
Ana Merino

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Spanish poet

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According to Wikipedia, Ana Merino is a Spanish poet. Biography Ana Merino was born in Madrid in 1971, daughter of José María Merino. Ana Merino was between 2004 and 2009 an Assistant Professor of Spanish at Dartmouth College. She left Dartmouth in 2009 to create and develop the Spanish MFA at the University of Iowa that was inaugurated on 2011. She is a Full Professor of Spanish Creative Writing and Cultural Studies at The University of Iowa and was the founder director of their MFA in Spanish Creative Writing between 2011 and 2018. She has published two scholarly books on comics: El Comic Hispánico ,Diez ensayos para pensar el cómic , and a critical monograph on Chris Ware , a youth novel "El hombre de los dos corazones" and nine books of poetry, and was a recipient of the Adonais and Fray Luis de Leon awards for poetry. She was awarded the Diario de Avisos Award for best critical short articles about comics for the Spanish literary magazine Leer. In January 2020 she won the Nadal Award in Spain for her novel El mapa de los afectos.

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