
Erwin Kempton Mapes

Most Influential Person Across History

American scholar

Erwin Kempton Mapes's Academic­ Rankings

Erwin Kempton Mapes
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physics Degrees
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Erwin Kempton Mapes's Degrees

Why Is Erwin Kempton Mapes Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Erwin Kempton Mapes was an American scholar of Spanish-American literature and Hispanist, renowned for his work on the Hispanic Modernists. Born in Gilman, Illinois, Mapes received his bachelors from Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa, in 1909. He then went to Harvard University and studied Hispanic Studies under Jeremiah D. M. Ford, receiving his master's in 1915. He received his doctorate from the University of Paris with a study on Rubén Darío, published in 1925 as L'influence française dans l'oeuvre de Rubén Darío.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Erwin Kempton Mapes?

Erwin Kempton Mapes is affiliated with the following schools: