
Marina Lewycka

Most Influential Person Now

British writer

Why Is Marina Lewycka Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Marina Lewycka is a British novelist of Ukrainian origin. Early life Lewycka was born in a refugee camp in Kiel after World War II. Her family subsequently moved to England; she now lives in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. She attended Gainsborough High School for Girls in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, then Witney Grammar School in Witney, Oxfordshire. She graduated from Keele University in 1968 with a BA in English and Philosophy, and from the University of York with a BPhil in English Literature in 1969. She began, but did not complete, a PhD at King's College London.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Marina Lewycka?

Marina Lewycka is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Marina Lewycka's Academic Contributions?

Marina Lewycka has made the following academic contributions: