
István Mészáros

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Hungarian philosopher

István Mészáros 's Academic­ Rankings

István Mészáros
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  • Philosophy

Why Is István Mészáros Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, István Mészáros was a Hungarian Marxist philosopher. Described as "one of the foremost political philosophers of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries" by Monthly Review, Mészáros wrote mainly about the possibility of a transition from capitalism to socialism. His magnum opus, Beyond Capital: Toward a Theory of Transition , was concerned not only with this theme but provided a conceptual distinction between capitalism and capital, and an analysis of the current capitalist society and its "structural crisis". He was interested in the critique of the "bourgeois ideology", including the idea of "there is no alternative", and he also elaborated analysis on the failures of "real socialism".

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What Schools Are Affiliated With István Mészáros ?

István Mészáros is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are István Mészáros 's Academic Contributions?

István Mészáros is most known for their academic work in the field of philosophy. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

István Mészáros has made the following academic contributions: