
Helmut Gams

Most Influential Person Across History

Austrian botanist

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Why Is Helmut Gams Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Helmut Gams was a central European botanist. Born in Brno, he moved to Zürich as a child. He studied at the University of Zurich, being awarded a PhD in 1918. During his career, he worked at the University of Munich and the University of Innsbruck. His research saw him pursue fieldwork around Europe and Asia. He was a geobotanist who specialized in the associations of different species of mosses and lichens with each other and the environment. Gams coined the terms 'biocoenology' and 'phytocoenology' in his 1918 PhD thesis.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Helmut Gams?

Helmut Gams is affiliated with the following schools: