Adam Rapp
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American playwright, novelist and film director
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Adam Rapp is an American novelist, playwright, screenwriter, musician and film director. His play Red Light Winter was a Pulitzer Prize finalist in 2006. Early life Rapp was born in Chicago to Mary Lee and Douglas Rapp, and spent most of his youth in Joliet, Illinois.
Adam Rapp's Published Works
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Published Works
- To Empower or Not to Empower Your Sales Force? An Empirical Examination of the Influence of Leadership Empowerment Behavior on Customer Satisfaction and Performance (2005) (939)
- Social media technology usage and customer relationship performance: A capabilities-based examination of social CRM (2014) (668)
- Understanding social media effects across seller, retailer, and consumer interactions (2013) (500)
- A Review of Social Media and Implications for the Sales Process (2012) (388)
- Feeling Good by Doing Good: Employee CSR-Induced Attributions, Job Satisfaction, and the Role of Charismatic Leadership (2013) (309)
- Perceived customer showrooming behavior and the effect on retail salesperson self-efficacy and performance (2015) (297)
- Performance implications of customer-linking capabilities: Examining the complementary role of customer orientation and CRM technology (2010) (247)
- High Touch Through High Tech: The Impact of Salesperson Technology Usage on Sales Performance via Mediating Mechanisms (2008) (230)
- The Impact of Knowledge and Empowerment on Working Smart and Working Hard: The Moderating Role of Experience (2006) (211)
- Integrating information technology and marketing: An examination of the drivers and outcomes of e-Marketing capability (2011) (201)
- Moving Beyond the Direct Effect of SFA Adoption on Salesperson Performance: Training and Support as Key Moderating Factors (2005) (179)
- Managing Sales Force Product Perceptions and Control Systemsinthe Success of New Product Introductions (2010) (168)
- The Sales Force Technology–Performance Chain: The Role of Adaptive Selling and Effort (2008) (165)
- Employee Judgments of and Behaviors Towards Corporate Social Responsibility: A Multi-Study Investigation of Direct, Cascading, and Moderating Effects (2014) (160)
- Gaining and leveraging customer-based competitive intelligence: the pivotal role of social capital and salesperson adaptive selling skills (2013) (160)
- The influence of time management skill on the curvilinear relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and task performance. (2013) (124)
- Understanding the role of information communication in the buyer‐seller exchange process: antecedents and outcomes (2009) (113)
- The role of brand communications on front line service employee beliefs, behaviors, and performance (2014) (112)
- The Role of Technology at the Interface Between Salespeople and Consumers (2010) (110)
- Developing an eco-capability through environmental orientation and organizational innovativeness (2015) (105)
- A more comprehensive understanding and measure of customer helping behavior (2010) (96)
- Examining the Drivers and Performance Implications of Boundary Spanner Creativity (2014) (93)
- Salespeople as knowledge brokers: a review and critique of the challenger sales model (2014) (79)
- Social media technology use and salesperson performance: A two study examination of the role of salesperson behaviors, characteristics, and training (2018) (77)
- Competitive intelligence collection and use by sales and service representatives: how managers’ recognition and autonomy moderate individual performance (2015) (75)
- The Role of the Sales-Service Interface and Ambidexterity in the Evolving Organization (2017) (75)
- Managing Sales Teams in a Virtual Environment (2010) (73)
- Salesperson Solution Involvement and Sales Performance: The Contingent Role of Supplier Firm and Customer–Supplier Relationship Characteristics (2017) (69)
- The Influence of Market Orientation on E-Business Innovation and Performance: The Role of the Top Management Team (2008) (68)
- The differing effects of technology on inside vs. outside sales forces to facilitate enhanced customer orientation and interfunctional coordination (2012) (63)
- Challenges of CRM Implementation in Business-to-Business Markets: A Contingency Perspective (2012) (62)
- An Emotion-Based Model of Salesperson Ethical Behaviors (2012) (61)
- Conceptualizing Salesperson Competitive Intelligence: An Individual-Level Perspective (2011) (59)
- Is There a Dark Side of Ambidexterity? Implications of Dueling Sales and Service Orientations (2017) (58)
- The role of team goal monitoring in the curvilinear relationship between team efficacy and team performance. (2014) (52)
- Intangible sales team resources: Investing in team social capital and transactive memory for market-driven behaviors, norms and performance (2017) (45)
- I think they think we are good citizens: Meta-perceptions as antecedents of employees' reactions to corporate social responsibility (2016) (42)
- Causal Attributions and Employee Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility (2013) (36)
- Do sales and service compete? The impact of multiple psychological climates on frontline employee performance (2017) (36)
- The effect of environmental orientation on salesperson effort and participation: the moderating role of organizational identification (2014) (34)
- Outsourcing the sales process: Hiring a mercenary sales force (2009) (32)
- Perspectives on competitive intelligence within business: A tactical tool for sales- people to gain a competitive advantage (2011) (31)
- Perspectives on Personal Selling and Social Media: Introduction to the Special Issue (2012) (27)
- The Importance of Product/Service Quality for Frontline Marketing Employee Outcomes: The Moderating Effect of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) (2016) (24)
- You don't always get what you want, and you don't always want what you get: An examination of control-desire for control congruence in transactional relationships. (2015) (23)
- An empirical analysis of e‐service implementation: antecedents and the resulting value creation (2008) (22)
- Using Shortened Scales in Sales Research: Risks, Benefits, and Strategies (2013) (22)
- Developing an Environmentally Sustainable Business Plan: An International B2B Case Study (2017) (20)
- Marketing culture to service climate: the influence of employee control and flexibility (2014) (20)
- Understanding the long-term implications of retailer returns in business-to-business relationships (2018) (20)
- The state of selling & sales management research: a review and future research agenda (2021) (16)
- Translating sales effort into service performance: it's an emotional ride (2017) (13)
- When time is sales: the impact of sales manager time allocation decisions on sales team performance (2020) (11)
- Firm Actions to Develop an Ambidextrous Sales Force (2020) (11)
- The Intersection of Service and Sales: The Increased Importance of Ambidexterity (2020) (9)
- Can Service Climate Detract from Employee Performance? The Role of Experience in Optimizing Satisfaction and Performance Outcomes (2018) (9)
- Effective Sales Force Automation and Customer Relationship Management (2010) (9)
- How perceptions of firm environmental and social values influence frontline employee outcomes (2020) (8)
- High Touch Through High Tech: The Impact of Salesperson Technology Usage on Customer Satisfaction and Sales Performance (2008) (8)
- Global perspectives on service (2013) (7)
- Sales leadership icons and models: How comic book superheroes would make great sales leaders (2015) (6)
- A holistic perspective of sales research: areas of consideration to develop more comprehensive conceptual and empirical frameworks (2020) (6)
- Introduction to the special issue on the intersection of professional selling and service (2017) (6)
- More Than a Showroom (2016) (6)
- Ability is in the eye of the beholder: How context and individual factors shape consumer perceptions of digital assistant ability (2022) (5)
- An Emotion-Based Model of Salesperson Ethical Behaviors (2011) (2)
- Price Matching: To Match or Not to Match? (2016) (2)
- Managing Virtual Sales Teams: Challenges and Evidence-Based Recommendations (2021) (2)
- I Think They Think We are Good Citizens: The Role of Meta-Perceptions in Employees' Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility (2015) (2)
- Blinded by the brand: inauthentic salesperson brand attachment and its influence on customer purchase intentions (2021) (1)
- Notes from the editors (2020) (1)
- Predictors Of Retail Salesperson Creativity And Associated Performance Implications (2015) (1)
- Causal Attributions and Employee Reactions to CSR (2013) (1)
- “Too Much” Self-Efficacy? Understanding the Curvilinear Consequences of Between-Person Self-Efficacy through a Moderated-Mediation Model of Perceived Proximity and Employee Effort (2022) (1)
- Social Customer Relationship Management Questionnaire (2017) (1)
- No-No’s at the Store Level: What Not to Do When Faced with Showrooming (2016) (1)
- 2010 Award Winners (2010) (0)
- Team Goal Monitoring in the Curvilinear Relationship Between Team Efficacy and Team Performance (2014) (0)
- Leadership transition and journal advancements (2023) (0)
- Employee Brand Beliefs and Performance Scales (2016) (0)
- Understanding social media effects across seller, retailer, and consumer interactions (2013) (0)
- Understanding the long-term implications of retailer returns in business-to-business relationships (2017) (0)
- Rose (2013) (0)
- Reward Programs: Loyalty at the Store Level (2016) (0)
- Introduction: What Is Showrooming? (2016) (0)
- Employee Coping Behaviors: Handling the Stresses of Showrooming with Proactive Engagement (2016) (0)
- Social Media Technology Use and Salesperson Service Behaviors in Customer Relationship Performance--Model (2021) (0)
- Career Stage Influence on Technology Adoption Within The Sales Force: Implications on Performance (2015) (0)
- Nursing (2013) (0)
- Ball Peen Hammer (2009) (0)
- Looking Forward in an Omnichannel World (2016) (0)
- Riding the waves or rocking the boat? Benefits and unintended consequences of customer growth strategies (2022) (0)
- Gaining and leveraging customer-based competitive intelligence: the pivotal role of social capital and salesperson adaptive selling skills (2012) (0)
- Sales and Service Measure (2018) (0)
- Salesperson-Manager Role-Relationship and Its Impact on Salesperson Performance: A Relational Identity Approach (2016) (0)
- Customer Service in a Technological World: A Timeless Strategy for a Digital Dilemma (2016) (0)
- You Don’t Always Get What You Want, and You Don’t Always Want What You Get (2016) (0)
- Employees as Knowledge Brokers: Understanding How Expertise Is Your Ally (2016) (0)
- Competitive intelligence collection and use by sales and service representatives: how managers’ recognition and autonomy moderate individual performance (2014) (0)
- Today’s Customers (2016) (0)
- Red Light Winter (2005) (0)
- Editorial: upcoming changes to the journal (2022) (0)
- Managing Control Expectations in Business-To-Business Relationships (2016) (0)
- Under the Wolf, Under the Dog (2004) (0)
- The role of brand communications on front line service employee beliefs, behaviors, and performance (2014) (0)
- Reward Systems: Compensation at the Store Level (2016) (0)
- Sales Team Resources for Market-Driven Behaviors, Norms, and Performance: An Extended Abstract (2017) (0)
- Feeling Good by Doing Good: Employee CSR-Induced Attributions, Job Satisfaction, and the Role of Charismatic Leadership (2013) (0)
- CRM as a cross-functional strategic approach concerned with creating improved shareholder value through the development of appropriate relationships with key customers and customer seg- (2011) (0)
- In-Store Wi-Fi: Engaging Showroomers on Their Terms (2016) (0)
- New insights on marketing and performance outcomes: Applying a team lens (2006) (0)
- Perceived Showrooming Scale (2016) (0)
- Market-Driven Sales Capability Measure (2018) (0)
- E-view with Adam Rapp. (2000) (0)
- Capacity for Empathy Measure (2015) (0)
- Corporate Social Performance and Employees : Construed Perceptions , Attributions and Behavioral Outcomes (2017) (0)
- Animals And Plants (2006) (0)
- Ludlow Fair; Train Story (2006) (0)
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What Are Adam Rapp's Academic Contributions?
Adam Rapp is most known for their academic work in the field of literature. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of
Adam Rapp has made the following academic contributions: