
Adriano Celentano

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Italian musician

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Why Is Adriano Celentano Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Adriano Celentano is an Italian musician, singer, composer, actor, and filmmaker. He is dubbed il Molleggiato because of his dancing. Celentano's many albums frequently enjoyed both commercial and critical success. With around 150 million records sold worldwide, he is the second best-selling Italian musical artist. Often credited as the author of both the music and lyrics of his songs, according to his wife Claudia Mori, some were written in collaboration with others. Due to his prolific career, both in Italy and abroad, he is considered one of the pillars of Italian music. Celentano is recognized for being particularly perceptive of changes in the music business, and is credited for having introduced rock and roll to Italy. As an actor, Celentano has appeared in 39 films, mostly comedies.

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