
Aharon Dolgopolsky

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Russian-Israeli linguist

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Why Is Aharon Dolgopolsky Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Aharon Dolgopolsky, also spelled Aron was a Russian-Israeli linguist who is known as one of the modern founders of comparative Nostratic linguistics. Biography Born in Moscow, he arrived at the long-forgotten Nostratic hypothesis in the 1960s, at around the same time but independently of Vladislav Illich-Svitych. Together with Illich-Svitych, he was the first to undertake a multilateral comparison of the supposed daughter languages of Nostratic. Teaching Nostratics at Moscow University for 8 years, Dolgopolsky moved to Israel in 1976, and taught at the University of Haifa.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Aharon Dolgopolsky?

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