
Ahmet Mazhar Bozdoğan

Most Influential Person Now

Turkish swimmer

Why Is Ahmet Mazhar Bozdoğan Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Ahmet Mazhar Bozdoğan has been the President of the Turkish Swimming Federation since 2008. He is also a former National and record-holder swimmer, swimming coach and academician. Early life He was born in Adana in 1953. He studied primary school at Ata College and Cukurova College, high school at Adana College and Isık College. Ahmet Bozdogan who studied BSc at Cukurova University, is married and has two children.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Ahmet Mazhar Bozdoğan?

Ahmet Mazhar Bozdoğan is affiliated with the following schools: