
Albert Rakoto Ratsimamanga

Most Influential Person Now

Malagasy physician and biochemist and diplomat

Albert Rakoto Ratsimamanga's Academic­ Rankings

Albert Rakoto Ratsimamanga
Political Science
World Rank
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political-science Degrees
Albert Rakoto Ratsimamanga
World Rank
Historical Rank
biology Degrees
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  • Political Science
  • Biology

Albert Rakoto Ratsimamanga's Degrees

Why Is Albert Rakoto Ratsimamanga Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Albert Rakoto Ratsimamanga was a Malagasy physician, biochemist and diplomat. Born into a disgraced royal family; Ratsimamanga trained as a doctor of exotic medicine in French Madagascar and France, where he pioneered modern nutraceuticals. Ratsimamanga returned to Madagascar and, with his wife, Suzanne Urverg-Ratsimamanga, in 1957, established the which specialised in herbal medicine.

Other Resources About Albert Rakoto Ratsimamanga

What Schools Are Affiliated With Albert Rakoto Ratsimamanga?

Albert Rakoto Ratsimamanga is affiliated with the following schools: