
Alberto Pérez-Gómez

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Mexican architectural historian living in Canada

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Why Is Alberto Pérez-Gómez Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Alberto Pérez-Gómez is an architectural historian and theorist known for taking a phenomenological approach to architecture. He lives in Montreal. Biography Born December 24, 1949, in Mexico City he graduated as an engineer and architect from the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico. Afterwards he did postgraduate work at Cornell University. He then pursued graduate studies in the History and Theory of Architecture at the University of Essex where he received his Master of Arts in 1975 and Ph.D. in 1979. In 1987 he became a Canadian Citizen and a Quebec resident. In 1984, he won the Alice Davis Hitchcock Award for his book Architecture and the Crisis of Modern Science. He has taught and lectured at various schools of architecture around the world and was director of the Carleton University School of Architecture from 1983 to 1986. Currently, he runs the History and Theory of Architecture program at the McGill University School of Architecture, where he is the Saidye Rosner Bronfman Professor in History and Theory of Architecture.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Alberto Pérez-Gómez?

Alberto Pérez-Gómez is affiliated with the following schools: