
Alexei Alexeivich Bogdanov

Most Influential Person Across History

Russian geologist

Alexei Alexeivich Bogdanov's Academic­ Rankings

Alexei Alexeivich Bogdanov
Earth Sciences
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earth-sciences Degrees
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  • Earth Sciences

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Why Is Alexei Alexeivich Bogdanov Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Alexei Alexeivich Bogdanov was a Soviet geologist and specialist on tectonics. After producing a tectonic map of the USSR, he began a collaboration to produce a tectonic map of Europe which was produced in sixteen sheets in 1964. A son, also named Alexei , became a noted molecular biologist. The mineral Bogdanovite is named in his honour.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Alexei Alexeivich Bogdanov?

Alexei Alexeivich Bogdanov is affiliated with the following schools: