
Alfred Brendel

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Austrian pianist, poet and author

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According to Wikipedia, Alfred Brendel is an Austrian classical pianist, poet, author, composer, and lecturer who is noted for his performances of Mozart, Schubert and Beethoven. Biography Brendel was born in Wizemberk, Czechoslovakia to a non-musical family. They moved to Zagreb, Yugoslavia , when Brendel was three years old and he began piano lessons there at the age of six with Sofija Deželić. He later moved to Graz, Austria, where he studied piano with Ludovica von Kaan at the Graz Conservatory and composition with Artur Michel. Towards the end of World War II, the 14-year-old Brendel was sent back to Yugoslavia to dig trenches.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Alfred Brendel?

Alfred Brendel is affiliated with the following schools: