Alfred P. Wolf
American chemist
Alfred P. Wolf's Rankings
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Alfred P. Wolf's Degrees
- Masters Chemistry Stanford University
- Bachelors Chemistry University of California, Berkeley
Why Is Alfred P. Wolf Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Alfred P. Wolf was an American nuclear and organic chemist. Wolf was chairman of the Chemistry Department at Brookhaven National Laboratory, research professor in the Department of Psychiatry at New York University a member of the National Academy of Sciences, The Journal of Nuclear Medicine said that his "discoveries were instrumental in the development of positron emission tomography " and that he "made pioneering contributions over nearly 50 years in the field of organic radiochemistry". The New York Times said that Wolf "helped create some of today's most sophisticated diagnostic tools" and that he "advanced the field of organic radiochemistry, radiopharmacology and nuclear medicine" throughout his career of 50 years. The National Academy of Sciences said that "he pioneered the development of labeling techniques that used the reactions of hot atoms".
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What Schools Are Affiliated With Alfred P. Wolf?
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