Alice Beck Kehoe
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American anthropologist
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Alice Beck Kehoe is a feminist anthropologist and archaeologist. She has done considerable field research among Native American peoples in the upper plains of the US and Canada, and has authored research volumes on Native American archaeology and Native American history. She is also the author of several general anthropology and archaeology textbooks.
Alice Beck Kehoe's Published Works
Published Works
- Archaeology and Language: The Puzzle of Indo-European Origins (1989) (489)
- The Mission of Metaphor in Expressive Culture [and Comments and Reply] (1974) (156)
- Shamans and Religion: An Anthropological Exploration in Critical Thinking (2000) (130)
- Women's Work: Images of Production and Reproduction in Pre-Hispanic Southern Central America [and Comments and Reply] (1993) (120)
- The Ghost Dance: Ethnohistory and Revitalization (1989) (84)
- The North American Berdache [and Comments and Reply] (1983) (65)
- North American Indians: A Comprehensive Account (1981) (55)
- The Land of Prehistory: A Critical History of American Archaeology (1998) (54)
- American Archaeology Past and Future (1988) (53)
- Eliade and Hultkrantz: The European Primitivism Tradition (1996) (50)
- Women's Preponderance in Possession Cults: The Calcium-Deficiency Hypothesis Extended (1981) (49)
- Agreeing to Disagree: The Measurement of Duration in a Southwestern Ethiopian Community [and Comments and Reply] (1978) (40)
- When Stars Came down to Earth: Cosmology of the Skidi Pawnee Indians of North America (1982) (29)
- Points and Lines (2008) (28)
- Cognitive Models for Archaeological Interpretation (1973) (26)
- On the Ghost Dance (2000) (25)
- Gender in Archaeology: Analyzing Power and Prestige, by Sarah Milledge Nelson, AltiMira Press, Walnut Creek, CA (1997) (25)
- The Sacred Heart: A Case for Stimulus Diffusion (1979) (22)
- Archaeologies of Listening (2019) (21)
- Observations on the Butchering Technique at a Prehistoric Bison-Kill in Montana (1960) (21)
- Stones, Solstices and Sun Dance Structures (1977) (20)
- Ceramic Affiliations in the Northwestern Plains (1959) (20)
- Revisionist Anthropology: Aboriginal North America' (1981) (15)
- The Invention of Prehistory (1991) (14)
- The Function of Ceremonial Sexual Intercourse Among the Northern Plains Indians (1970) (14)
- Humans: An Introduction to Four-Field Anthropology (1998) (13)
- Solstice-aligned boulder configurations in Saskatchewan (1979) (12)
- Boulder Effigy Monuments in the Northern Plains (1959) (11)
- America before the European invasions (2002) (11)
- Revisionist Anthropology: Aboriginal North America [and Comments and Reply] (1981) (10)
- No possible, probable shadow of doubt (1991) (10)
- Stone Age Science in Britain? [and Comments and Reply] (1981) (9)
- Powers of Observation: Alternative Views in Archeology (1990) (9)
- Assembling the past : studies in the professionalization of archaeology (2002) (9)
- A Hypothesis on the Origin of Northeastern American Pottery (1962) (8)
- Who's Having this Baby?: Perspectives on Birthing (2002) (8)
- The Fringe of American Archaeology: Transoceanic and Transcontinental Contacts in Prehistoric America (2003) (8)
- The Arctic and Subarctic (2017) (8)
- Rebirth of the Blackfeet Nation, 1912–1954 (2003) (8)
- Kayasochi Kikawenow: Our Mother from Long Ago (An Early Cree Woman and Her Personal Belongings from Nagami Bay, Southern Indian Lake) (2002) (7)
- Emerging trends versus the popular paradigm in rock-art research (2002) (7)
- Public Education in Archaeology in North America (2012) (6)
- Value Themes of the Native American Tribalistic Movement Among the South Dakota Sioux (1974) (6)
- A Biofunctional Theory of Religion [and Comments and Reply] (1972) (5)
- Controversies in archaeology (2008) (4)
- Comment on Cordell's Congruences, Tijeras Pueblo (1978) (4)
- A study to explore how interventions support the successful transition of Overseas Medical Graduates to the NHS: Developing and refining theory using realist approaches (2017) (4)
- Archaeological Thinking: How to Make Sense of the Past by Charles E. Orser Jr (review) (2017) (4)
- Archaeologies of Listening Beginning Thoughts (2019) (4)
- Consensus and the Fringe in American Archaeology (2010) (3)
- Militant Christianity: An Anthropological History (2012) (3)
- 14. Small Boats upon the North Atlantic (1971) (3)
- The Kensington Runestone: Approaching a Research Question Holistically (2004) (3)
- The Metonymic Pole and Social Roles (1973) (3)
- On Thumb-Sucking (1972) (3)
- Ritual and Religions: An Ethologically Oriented Formal Analysis (1976) (3)
- Contributions to Anthropology, 1960. Part I (1963) (3)
- Reply to Lewis and to Bourguignon, Bellisari and McCabe (1983) (3)
- North America before the European Invasions (2016) (3)
- Archaeology and the Methodology of Science, by Jane H. Kelley and Marsha P. Hanen, University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque (1992) (3)
- General/Theoretical Anthropology: Images of Women in Peace and War: Cross‐Cultural and Historical Perspectives. Sharon Macdonald, Pat Holden, and Shirley Ardener, eds (1989) (3)
- Lactation and Pregnancy (1960) (3)
- The Archaeology of Gender in Western North America (2014) (3)
- A Passion for the True and Just: Felix and Lucy Kramer Cohen and the Indian New Deal (2014) (3)
- The Selective Advantage in Infancy of the Human Thumb (1971) (2)
- Testing for “ShaDlanic Trance” in Rock Art: A Comment on Greer and Greer (2004) (2)
- Expanding American Anthropology, 1945-1980: A Generation Reflects (2012) (2)
- Reply to Haack (1987) (2)
- Early Civilizations of Asia and Mesoamerica (1978) (2)
- On Giving Lubbock His Due (1994) (2)
- Cahokia, the Great City (2013) (2)
- Lewis Binford and his moral majority (2011) (2)
- Seeing with the Strong Programme (2022) (2)
- Disciplined Hearts: History, Identity, and Depression in art American Indian Community (1997) (2)
- Amskapi Pikuni: The Blackfeet People (2012) (2)
- On McLoughlin's "Ghost Dance Movements" (1991) (2)
- 3. “Slaves” and Slave Raiding on the Northern Plains and Rupert’s Land (2013) (2)
- On Folk Archaeology in Anthropological Perspective (1990) (2)
- The Identification of the Fall or Rapid Indians (1974) (2)
- The Concept of Trait Constellations as Illustrated in Eastern North American Ceramics (1964) (1)
- The Francois-Finlay Post as an Illustration of an Indian-White Contact Situation (1965) (1)
- The Socio-Politics of Archaeology. Joan M. Gero, David M. Lacy, and Michael L. Blakey, editors. Research Reports No. 23, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1983. 130 pp., references. $10.00 (paper). (1985) (1)
- On an Unambiguous Upper Paleolithic Carved Male (1996) (1)
- Colonial Encounters of First Peoples and First Anthropologists in British Columbia, Canada (2019) (1)
- Review of Cave (2014) (1)
- Pottery In Montana (1959) (1)
- "Who Did Archaeology in the United States Before There Were Archaeologists and Why? Preprofessional Archaeologies of the Nineteenth Century." by Thomas C. Patterson. In Processual and Postprocessual Archaeologies, edited by Robert W. Preucel, Center for A (1992) (1)
- The Lost Civilizations of North America Found … Again! (2011) (1)
- Betwixt and Between: Ethnoarchaeology, Women, Susan Kent (2013) (1)
- Women Appear in the Plains (2011) (1)
- On Boas and Doctrinaire Positions (1992) (1)
- Letters: Dressing for Class (2005) (1)
- Ceremonies of the Pawnee, Part I: The Skiri and Part II: The South Bands (1984) (1)
- COMMENTARY: When Theoretical Models Trump Empirical Validity, Real People Suffer (2004) (1)
- On the Herd-Following Hypothesis (1990) (1)
- Red Ocher in the Paleolithic (2019) (0)
- Inheriting the Past: The Making of Arthur C. Parker and Indigenous Archaeology. Chip Colwell-Chanthaphonh (2010) (0)
- Plains Indians of North America: Concepts of Ultimate Reality and Meaning (1982) (0)
- “Agency” is the Buzzword, But Where Does It Work? (2002) (0)
- Betwixt and Between: Ethnoarchaeology, (2013) (0)
- The Interior West (2014) (0)
- Social/Cultural Anthropology: Shared Symbols, Contested Meanings: Gros Ventre Culture and History, 1778–1984. Loretta Fowler (1989) (0)
- Archaeology of Shamanism (2020) (0)
- Social/Cultural Anthropology: We Shall Live Again: The 1870 and 1890 Ghost Dance Movements as Demographic Revitalization. Russell Thornton (1988) (0)
- ‘Prehistory’s’ History (2013) (0)
- The Prairie-Plains (2017) (0)
- The three failures of creationism, by Walter M. Fitch (2014) (0)
- The Ancient Mind: Elements of Cognitive Archaeology. Colin Renfrew and Ezra B. W. Zubrow, editors. New Directions in Archaeology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994. xiv + 195 pp., figures, tables, references, index. $54.95 (cloth); $19.95 (paper). (1995) (0)
- Transforming the Blackfoot : tradition, innovation and academic exercises (1995) (0)
- Stein, Gil J. (ed.): The Archaeology of Colonial Encounters (2007) (0)
- Hidden scholars. (1995) (0)
- An Anthropologist's Experience of Law School (2018) (0)
- A Significant Difference between Linguistics and Ethnographic Description (1970) (0)
- Girl Archaeologist (2022) (0)
- Overview: The United States, 1600 (2014) (0)
- General/Theoretical Anthropology: A Woman's Quest for Science: Portrait of Anthropologist Elsie Clews Parsons. Peter H. Hare. (1986) (0)
- A Worm's-Eye View of Marriage, Authority, and Final Causes or, What Underlies Structure and Sentiment? (1964) (0)
- Two studies from the Sioux (1984) (0)
- Fortifying the Home Front (2012) (0)
- The Northwest Coast (2017) (0)
- The Greater Southwest (2017) (0)
- A Lineage of Listening (2019) (0)
- Hall, Robert Leonard (2020) (0)
- Virginia Kerns Scenes from the High Desert: Julian Steward’s Life and Theory. University of Illinois Press, 2003. (2003) (0)
- Assault on the Secular Nation (2012) (0)
- Association of Senior Anthropologists: It's a Textbook Case (2004) (0)
- Wiktor Stoczkowski, Explaining Human Origins: Myth, Imagination, and Conjecture. Translated by Mary Turton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. (2004) (0)
- Protestantism Fits the State (2012) (0)
- Fourth World Responses to External Threats: The Dené (2019) (0)
- Reading the Hopewell Data (1998) (0)
- Arsenic and Old Pelts: An Update on Deadly Pesticides in Museum Collections (2019) (0)
- Gender in Archaeology: Analyzing Power and Prestige. Sarah Milledge NelsonWomen in Human Evolution. Lori D. Hager (2000) (0)
- Can Native Voices Be Heard in Museums? (2016) (0)
- Europe’s Pagan Christianity (2012) (0)
- Dakota Indian Ethnicity in Saskatchewan. (1975) (0)
- Archaeological field work, sexuality in (2015) (0)
- Women’s Power to Give: Their Central Role in Northern Plains First Nations (2017) (0)
- Using Paleontology to Explore the Geography of Plants and Animals (2010) (0)
- The Postcolonial Imperative (2018) (0)
- History of Archaeology In Wisconsin. In William Green, James B. Stoltman, and Alice B. Kehoe, Editors, Introduction To Wisconsin Archaeology: Background For Cultural Resource Planning (1986) (0)
- Association of Senior Anthropologists: “The New World” (2004) (0)
- The Rise of the Mexican Nations (2017) (0)
- Kehoe’s Response to Comments (2010) (0)
- General, Applied, and Theoretical: Systems of North American Witchcraft and Sorcery. Deward E. Walker, Jr, ed. Witchcraft and Sorcery: An Anthropological Perspective of the Occult. John A. Rush (1976) (0)
- ‘Shamanism, Discourse, Modernity’ by Thomas Karl Alberts (2017) (0)
- Publications Received (1958) (0)
- The Archaeology of Regions, edited by Suzanne K. Fish and Stephen A. Kowalewski, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. 1989 (1993) (0)
- The North American Indians: A Sourcebook. Roger C. Owen, James J. F. Deetz, and Anthony D. Fisher, eds (1968) (0)
- Social/Cultural Anthropology: Traditional Ojibwa Religion and Its Historical Changes. Christopher Vecsey (1985) (0)
- Thrown to the Fringe: Challenging the Myth of Columbus (2016) (0)
- Association of Senior Anthropologists: Remembering Hjalmar Holand (2004) (0)
- First Nations of North America in the Contemporary World (2017) (0)
- 11. Mississippian Weavers (2000) (0)
- A Marxist Archaeology, by Randall H. McGuire, Academic Press, San Diego, 1992 (1992) (0)
- America’s Earliest Humans (2017) (0)
- French Paleolithic Collections in the Logan Museum of Anthropology, edited by Randall White and L.B. Breitborde. Logan Museum Bulletin (new series) 1(2), 1992 (1992) (0)
- Manifest Destiny as the Order of Nature (2014) (0)
- Middle Woodland, 100 bce–400 CE (2016) (0)
- Comments and Replies (1966) (0)
- Explaining the American Indian Renaissance (1998) (0)
- The Intermontane West and California (2017) (0)
- Jane H. Kelley & Marsha P. Hanen. Archaeology and the methodology of science . 437 + xiii pages. 1988. Albuquerque (NM): University of New Mexico Press; ISBN 0-8263-1030-3 hardback $29.95. (1988) (0)
- Humans (2022) (0)
- 10. Osage Texts and Cahokia Data (2006) (0)
- No Political Funding (1999) (0)
- Archaeology and Politics (1998) (0)
- Bullying in Anthropology (2017) (0)
- Following the Data for Long-distance Travels (2017) (0)
- A Comment on Zedeño et al. (2014) (0)
- Undervalued Contributors: Hidden Scholars . Women Anthropologists and the Native American Southwest. Nancy J. Parezo, Ed. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, 1994. xxii, 429 pp., illus. $47.50. (1995) (0)
- An Artifact of Postmedieval European Preconceptions: The Chiefdom Model Versus the Principle of Actualism (2003) (0)
- Indigenous Women and Work: From Labor to Activism edited by Carol Williams, ed. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2012. (2015) (0)
- Discrimination Against Women in Anthropology (1980) (0)
- Rebirth of the Blackfeet Nation, 1912-1954 (Book) (2003) (0)
- Trust-level support must be in place for overseas doctors (2017) (0)
- The Beast on the Table: Conferencing with Anthropologists, by Sydel Silverman. 2002. Walnut Creek CA: Altamira. (2003) (0)
- Middle Woodland, 100 bc–ad 400 (2014) (0)
- Reorganization Represents a Return to a Vision (1983) (0)
- Christianity and War (2020) (0)
- A Mohegan Anthropologist at Work (2001) (0)
- The Giveaway Ceremony Of Blackfoot And Plains Cree (1980) (0)
- Comment on Diener’s Comment on ‘Plains Indians of North America: Concepts of Ultimate Reality and Meaning’ 5:58–65 (1982) (0)
- Early Woodland, 1000–100 bc (2014) (0)
- Introduction: History without Documents (2014) (0)
- Mrs. Uhlenback's Blackfeet Fieldnotes (1995) (0)
- Method and explanation in archaeology: Storming the Bastille (1992) (0)
- The American Southwest (2014) (0)
- Kurzrezensionen / Short reviews / Notes de lecture (2007) (0)
- Expanding American Anthropology, 1945-1980 (2012) (0)
- Ancient North Americans Jesse D. Jennings (1984) (0)
- Indo-European Christianity (2012) (0)
- The three failures of creationism, by Walter M. Fitch (2014) (0)
- Hegemony through Philanthropy (2012) (0)
- The Pagan Christian Icon (2012) (0)
- Faculty Picks: 5 Great Books on American Indian History (2015) (0)
- Evolving Tradition, Resilient Backlash (2012) (0)
- Introduction: Evidence-based practice versus Ivory Tower careers (2015) (0)
- American Indian Women Telling Their Lives. GRETCHEN M. BATAILLE and KATHLEEN MULLEN SANDS: Women and Indians on the Frontier, 1825–1915. GLENDA RILEY (1985) (0)
- Gender inArchaeology: Analyzing Power and Prestige. By Sarah Milledge Nel- (2000) (0)
- Aboriginal Pottery From Site Fhna-3, The François Le Blanc Trading Post (1964) (0)
- Issues and Puzzles (2014) (0)
- Black Hills/White Justice: The Sioux Nation versus the United States, 1775 to the Present (2000) (0)
- Lubbock, John (2020) (0)
- Boas as Hamatsa: Appropriate for the Medal for Exemplary Service to Anthropology Award? (2006) (0)
- Ethnoastronomy on the American Plains. (1983) (0)
- A Significant Article inEthnohistory (2019) (0)
- ETHNOLOGY: The Americas on the Eve of Discovery. Harold E. Driver (1965) (0)
- The Archaic Period: 7000–1000 bce (2014) (0)
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