
Alicia Partnoy

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Argentinian dissident poet

Alicia Partnoy's Academic­ Rankings

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  • Literature

Why Is Alicia Partnoy Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Alicia Mabel Partnoy is a human rights activist, poet, college professor, and translator. After Argentinian President Juan Perón died, the students from the left of the Peronist political party organized with fervor within the country's universities and, along with workers, were persecuted and imprisoned. There was a military coup in 1976 and people began to disappear. Partnoy was one of those who suffered through the ordeals of becoming a political prisoner. She became an activist of the Peronist Youth Movement while attending Southern National University .

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Alicia Partnoy?

Alicia Partnoy is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Alicia Partnoy's Academic Contributions?

Alicia Partnoy is most known for their academic work in the field of literature. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

Alicia Partnoy has made the following academic contributions: