
Alistair MacLeod

Most Influential Person Now

Canadian author and professor of English

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Why Is Alistair MacLeod Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Alistair MacLeod, was a Canadian novelist, short story writer and academic. His powerful and moving stories vividly evoke the beauty of Cape Breton Island's rugged landscape and the resilient character of many of its inhabitants, the descendants of Scottish immigrants, who are haunted by ancestral memories and who struggle to reconcile the past and the present. MacLeod has been praised for his verbal precision, his lyric intensity and his use of simple, direct language that seems rooted in an oral tradition.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Alistair MacLeod?

Alistair MacLeod is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Alistair MacLeod's Academic Contributions?

Alistair MacLeod has made the following academic contributions: