
Alojz Benac

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Bosnia-Herzegovinian archaeologist and historian.

Alojz Benac's Academic­ Rankings

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anthropology Degrees
Alojz Benac
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Historical Rank
history Degrees
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  • Anthropology
  • History

Alojz Benac's Degrees

Why Is Alojz Benac Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Alojz Benac was a Bosnian and Yugoslav archaeologist and historian. Biography Benac studied classical philology and archaeology in Belgrade's Philosophy Faculty , and received his doctorate from Ljubljana University . He worked in the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1947 to 1967 . He then left to assume a professorship in archaeology and ancient history in the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Sarajevo . He later became the founder and first Director of the Centre for Balkan Studies, within the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina , of which he was General Secretary from 1971 to 1977 and President from 1977 to 1981

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Alojz Benac?

Alojz Benac is affiliated with the following schools: