
Ana Belén Elgoyhen

Most Influential Person Now

Argentinian molecular biologist

Ana Belén Elgoyhen's Academic­ Rankings

Ana Belén Elgoyhen
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Molecular Biology
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  • Biology

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Why Is Ana Belén Elgoyhen Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Ana Belén Elgoyhen is an Argentine scientist, professor of pharmacology at the University of Buenos Aires and independent researcher of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council . She is internationally recognized for her contributions to the understanding of the molecular basis of hearing . Her work could be useful to treat auditory deficiencies and other hearing pathologies.

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Ana Belén Elgoyhen's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Ana Belén Elgoyhen?

Ana Belén Elgoyhen is affiliated with the following schools: