
Anatole von Hügel

Most Influential Person Across History

Austrian anthropologist

Anatole von Hügel's Academic­ Rankings

Anatole von Hügel
Historical Rank
anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

Anatole von Hügel's Degrees

Why Is Anatole von Hügel Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Anatole von Hügel was the second son of the Austrian nobleman. Early life Born into the German noble House of Hügel, he was the son of Baron Charles von Hügel and his Scottish wife Elizabeth Farquharson. His elder brother was Friedrich von Hügel and his sister was Pauline von Hügel.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Anatole von Hügel?

Anatole von Hügel is affiliated with the following schools: