
André Leroi-Gourhan

Most Influential Person Across History

French archaeologist

André Leroi-Gourhan's Academic­ Rankings

André Leroi-Gourhan
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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

André Leroi-Gourhan's Degrees

Why Is André Leroi-Gourhan Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, André Leroi-Gourhan was a French archaeologist, paleontologist, paleoanthropologist, and anthropologist with an interest in technology and aesthetics and a penchant for philosophical reflection. Biography Leroi-Gourhan completed his doctorate on the archaeology of the North Pacific under the supervision of Marcel Mauss. Beginning in 1933 he held various positions at museums around the world, including the British Museum and the Musée de l'Homme, as well as in Japan. Between 1940 and 1944 he worked at the Musée Guimet. In 1944 he was sent to the Château de Valençay to take care of works evacuated from the Louvre, including the Venus de Milo and the Winged Victory of Samothrace. He also participated in the French Resistance, for which he received the Croix de Guerre, the Médaille de la Résistance and the Légion d'honneur. In 1956 he succeeded Marcel Griaule at the Sorbonne, and from 1969 until 1982 he was a professor at the Collège de France. In 1973 he received the gold medal of the Centre national de la recherche scientifique.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With André Leroi-Gourhan?

André Leroi-Gourhan is affiliated with the following schools: