
Andrea Carandini

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Italian archaeologist

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  • Anthropology

Why Is Andrea Carandini Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Andrea Carandini is an Italian professor of archaeology specialising in ancient Rome. Among his many excavations is the villa of Settefinestre. Biography The son of Italian diplomat Count Nicolò Carandini , Andrea was born in Rome and was a member of the faculty of the University of Rome La Sapienza beginning in 1963. Carandini was a student of Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli, completing his laurea in 1962 with a thesis on the Roman villa of Piazza Armerina. His research is focused on the topography of ancient Rome, Etruria in the Roman period, and the analysis of monumental complexes in various cities in Italy including Volterra, Grumentum, Pompeii, and Veii. Since 1993 he has coordinated a project in Rome's suburbium and the Tiber valley in conjunction with the Soprintendenza Archeologica and the Sovrintendenza Comunale di Roma. He continues to direct the excavations of the north slope of the Palatine Hill in Rome where important discoveries relating to the earliest city of Rome have been made, including the discovery of the famous Palatine wall in 1988.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Andrea Carandini?

Andrea Carandini is affiliated with the following schools: