
Andreu Mas-Colell

Most Influential Person Now

Catalan economist and politician from Spain

Andreu Mas-Colell's Academic­ Rankings

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economics Degrees
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  • Economics

Why Is Andreu Mas-Colell Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Andreu Mas-Colell is an economist, an expert in microeconomics and a prominent mathematical economist. He is the founder of the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics and a professor in the department of economics at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. He has also served several times in the cabinet of the Catalan government. Summarizing his and others' research in general equilibrium theory, his monograph gave a thorough exposition of research using differential topology. His textbook on microeconomics, co-authored with Michael Whinston and Jerry Green, is the most used graduate microeconomics textbook in the world.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Andreu Mas-Colell?

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