
Angelika Krebs

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German philosopher

Angelika Krebs's Academic­ Rankings

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Angelika Krebs's Degrees

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According to Wikipedia, Angelika Krebs is a German philosopher. Education and career Angelika Krebs studied philosophy, German literature and musicology in Freiburg, Oxford, Konstanz and Berkeley. She did her PhD with Friedrich Kambartel, Bernard Williams and Jürgen Habermas in Frankfurt in 1993. Her dissertation thesis on environmental ethics won the Wolfgang Stegmüller award of the German Society for Analytical Philosophy. From 1993 to 2001 she was an assistant professor in Frankfurt, writing her habilitation thesis on work, justice and love. In 2001, she was appointed to the chair for practical philosophy at the University of Basel. She was Rockefeller visiting fellow at the Center for Human Values in Princeton and Rachel Carson fellow at LMU in Munich. She served as a member of the advisory board of both the German and the Swiss Society for Philosophy. Since 2013 she has been a fellow of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. In 2013 she co-founded the European Society for the Philosophical Study of Emotions together with Aaron Ben-Ze'ev and Anthony Hatzimoysis .

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Angelika Krebs's Published Works

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