
Ann Louise Gilligan

Most Influential Person Now

Irish theologian

Ann Louise Gilligan's Academic­ Rankings

Ann Louise Gilligan
Religious Studies
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religious-studies Degrees
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  • Religious Studies

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Why Is Ann Louise Gilligan Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Ann Louise Gilligan was an Irish theologian who taught at Saint Patrick's College, Drumcondra . A former nun, she was the wife of Katherine Zappone. In Zappone and Gilligan v. Revenue Commissioners , they unsuccessfully sought recognition of their Canadian marriage. Despite failing in the courts, Gilligan was a leading campaigner in Ireland's 2015 same-sex marriage referendum, and ultimately succeeded in having her marriage recognised in Irish law before her death in 2017.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Ann Louise Gilligan?

Ann Louise Gilligan is affiliated with the following schools: