
Anna Amalie Abert

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German musicologist

Anna Amalie Abert's Academic­ Rankings

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Why Is Anna Amalie Abert Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Anna Amalie Abert or Anna Abert was a German musicologist. Life Abert was born in Halle in 1906. Abert was the daughter of the music historian Hermann Abert. She studied with Hans Joachim Moser and Friedrich Blume at the University of Kiel. From 1943 to 1971 she worked at the university. In 1950 she became a professor. She has studied the works of Heinrich Schütz, Monteverdi , Gluck and Richard Strauss.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Anna Amalie Abert?

Anna Amalie Abert is affiliated with the following schools: