
Anne Boyer

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American poet and essayist

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Why Is Anne Boyer Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Anne Boyer is an American poet and essayist. She is the author of The Romance of Happy Workers , The 2000s , My Common Heart , Garments Against Women , and The Handbook of Disappointed Fate . In 2016, she was a featured blogger at the Poetry Foundation, where she wrote an ongoing series of posts about her diagnosis and treatment for a highly aggressive form of breast cancer, as well as the lives and near deaths of poets. Her essays about illness have appeared in Guernica, The New Inquiry, Fullstop, and more. Boyer teaches at the Kansas City Art Institute with the poets Cyrus Console and Jordan Stempleman. Her poetry has been translated into numerous languages including Icelandic, Spanish, Persian, and Swedish. With Guillermo Parra and Cassandra Gillig, she has translated the work of 20th century Venezuelan poets Victor Valera Mora, Miguel James, and Miyo Vestrini.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Anne Boyer?

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What Are Anne Boyer's Academic Contributions?

Anne Boyer is most known for their academic work in the field of literature. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

Anne Boyer has made the following academic contributions: