
Anne Dufourmantelle

Most Influential Person Now

French psychoanalyst and philosopher

Anne Dufourmantelle's Academic­ Rankings

Anne Dufourmantelle
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psychology Degrees
Anne Dufourmantelle
World Rank
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philosophy Degrees
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  • Psychology
  • Philosophy

Why Is Anne Dufourmantelle Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Anne Dufourmantelle was a French philosopher and psychoanalyst. Education and career Dufourmantelle was educated at Brown University and at Paris-Sorbonne University, where she earned a doctorate in philosophy in 1994. She practised psychoanalysis and was a professor at the European Graduate School and a contributor to the French daily newspaper Libération.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Anne Dufourmantelle?

Anne Dufourmantelle is affiliated with the following schools: