
Anne M. Leggett

Most Influential Person Now

American mathematical logician

Anne M. Leggett's Academic­ Rankings

Anne M. Leggett
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mathematics Degrees
Anne M. Leggett
World Rank
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USA Rank
Mathematical Logic
World Rank
Historical Rank
USA Rank
World Rank
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USA Rank
philosophy Degrees
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  • Mathematics
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Why Is Anne M. Leggett Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Anne Marie Leggett is an American mathematical logician. She is an associate professor emerita of mathematics at Loyola University Chicago. Leggett is the editor-in-chief of the bi-monthly newsletter of the Association for Women in Mathematics , a position she has held continuously since 1977. She has served on the Executive Committee of the AWM since 1977 and the AWM Policy and Advocacy Committee . With Bettye Anne Case, she is the editor of the book Complexities: Women in Mathematics . Leggett received an Alpha Sigma Nu Book Award for Complexities in 2006.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Anne M. Leggett?

Anne M. Leggett is affiliated with the following schools: