
Annie Cohen-Solal

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French academic

Annie Cohen-Solal's Academic­ Rankings

Annie Cohen-Solal
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sociology Degrees
Annie Cohen-Solal
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philosophy Degrees
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  • Sociology
  • Philosophy

Why Is Annie Cohen-Solal Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Annie Cohen-Solal is a writer, historian, cultural diplomat and public intellectual in a trajectory that spans more than four decades. Born in Algiers, in a Jewish family from multiple Mediterranean origins , she faced numerous geographical displacements and devoted her entire career to issues of migration and creation. For ever, she has been tracking down interactions between art, literature and society with an intercultural twist. An award-winning writer from Sartre: 1905-1980 to Leo & His Circle: the Life of Leo Castelli and A Foreigner Called Picasso , her books, exhibitions, and lectures have been widely covered both by academic reviews and by the press at large. Annie Cohen-Solal brings to life a surging global ebb and flow of cultural energies, driven by innumerable fascinating individuals– painters, collectors, critics– who initiated enormous cultural changes in history.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Annie Cohen-Solal?

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