
Antoni Maria Badia i Margarit

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Catalan linguist

Antoni Maria Badia i Margarit's Academic­ Rankings

Antoni Maria Badia i Margarit
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Why Is Antoni Maria Badia i Margarit Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Antoni Maria Badia i Margarit was a Catalan linguist and philologist who produced works on the grammar and history of the Catalan language. He was born in Barcelona. He graduated in philology or Romance languages at the Universitat de Barcelona in 1943, where he was professor of history of Catalan language and Spanish language. He was rector of Universitat de Barcelona from 1978 to 1986. He is visitor professor of several universities around the world . He is doctor honoris causa by several universities . He has been president of the Société de Linguistique Romane, president of Philology section of Institut d'Estudis Catalans, president of Associació Internacional de Llengua i Literatura Catalanes, president of North-American Catalan Society, president of Deutsch-Katalanische Gesellschaft, and president of Segon Congrés Internacional de la Llengua Catalana . He died in 2014, aged 94.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Antoni Maria Badia i Margarit?

Antoni Maria Badia i Margarit is affiliated with the following schools: