
Antonia M. Villarruel

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Why Is Antonia M. Villarruel Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Antonia M. Villarruel is an American nurse. She has served as the Margaret Simon Bond Dean of Nursing at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing since 2014. Early life and education Villarruel was born into a Mexican–American family. Her grandparents had come to the United States and began their family in Michigan. Her mother Doña Amalia was a Detroit-born Mexican American while her father, Don Francisco, immigrated from Mexico at the age of 16. Her parents limited her career choice to teaching and nursing—with Villarruel choosing the latter. As such, she completed her Bachelor of Nursing degree from Nazareth College before working at the Children's Hospital of Michigan. During her time at CHM, she co-developed a tool to help children describe their pain level to medical personnel and improve management of children’s pain. She then enrolled at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing for her Master's degree. Following this, she earned her PhD at Wayne State University in 1993.

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