
Antonio Vallejo-Nájera

Most Influential Person Across History


Antonio Vallejo-Nájera's Academic­ Rankings

Antonio Vallejo-Nájera
Historical Rank
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  • Biology

Why Is Antonio Vallejo-Nájera Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Antonio Vallejo-Nájera was a Spanish psychiatrist. He was interested in eugenics and proposed a link between Marxism and intellectual disability. His ideas led to the thefts of many Spanish newborns and young children from their left-wing parents. As many as 30,000 children were taken from socialist families and placed with fascist families. Vallejo-Nájera was rewarded for his assistance during the Spanish Civil War and he became a leading figure in Spanish psychiatry.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Antonio Vallejo-Nájera?

Antonio Vallejo-Nájera is affiliated with the following schools: