
Arseny Sokolov

Most Influential Person Across History

Russian Physicist

Arseny Sokolov's Academic­ Rankings

Arseny Sokolov
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physics Degrees
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  • Physics

Why Is Arseny Sokolov Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Arseny Alexandrovich Sokolov was a Russian theoretical physicist known for the development of synchrotron radiation theory. Biography Arseny Sokolov graduated from Tomsk State University in 1931. He obtained the degree of Kandidat nauk from TSU under supervision of Piotr Tartakovsky . The degree of Doktor nauk was obtained by him from Leningrad Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute .

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Arseny Sokolov?

Arseny Sokolov is affiliated with the following schools: