Arthur Eddington
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British astrophysicist
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington was an English astronomer, physicist, and mathematician. He was also a philosopher of science and a populariser of science. The Eddington limit, the natural limit to the luminosity of stars, or the radiation generated by accretion onto a compact object, is named in his honour.
Arthur Eddington's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- The mathematical theory of relativity (1924) (989)
- The Nature of the Physical World (766)
- A Determination of the Deflection of Light by the Sun's Gravitational Field, from Observations Made at the Total Eclipse of May 29, 1919 (725)
- The Internal Constitution of the Stars (1920) (667)
- Principles of Stellar Dynamics (1943) (233)
- A Comparison of Whitehead's and Einstein's Formulæ (1924) (228)
- Space, Time and Gravitation (1922) (211)
- Philosophy of Physical Science (1940) (208)
- New pathways in science (1935) (130)
- A generalisation of Weyl's theory of the electromagnetic and gravitational fields (1921) (126)
- The propagation of gravitational waves (1922) (109)
- Circulating currents in rotating stars (1925) (94)
- Space, Time and Gravitation: An Outline of the General Relativity Theory (89)
- Report on the Relativity Theory of Gravitation (86)
- On the Pulsations of a Gaseous Star and the Problem of the Cepheid Variables. Part I (1918) (72)
- The problem of n bodies in general relativity theory (1938) (72)
- The Expanding Universe: Astronomy's 'Great Debate', 1900-1931 (1920) (69)
- The nature of the physical world, by A.S. Eddington ... (65)
- Relativity and Gravitation (1918) (64)
- Stellar movements and the structure of the universe (62)
- Preliminary Note on the Masses of the Electron, the Proton, and the Universe (1931) (58)
- The End of the World: from the Standpoint of Mathematical Physics. (1931) (58)
- The total eclipse of 1919 May 29 and the influence of gravitation on light (1919) (46)
- Bakerian Lecture. Diffuse Matter in Interstellar Space (1926) (42)
- On the Value of the Cosmical Constant (1931) (40)
- The Pulsation Theory of Cepheid Variables (1917) (37)
- The Charge of an Electron (1929) (35)
- The Reflection Effect in Eclipsing Variables (1926) (32)
- Notes on the method of least squares (1933) (31)
- Science and the unseen world (30)
- Das Strahlungsgleichgewicht der Sterne (1921) (29)
- The Expanding Universe (1933) (28)
- The Relation between the Masses and Luminosities of the Stars (1924) (27)
- Diffuse Matter in Interstellar Space (1926) (21)
- “The Philosophy of Physical Science” (1941) (21)
- A Symmetrical Treatment of the Wave Equation (1928) (21)
- On the cause of Cepheid pulsation (1941) (20)
- Spinning Electrons (19)
- On the Conditions in the Interior of a Star (1918) (18)
- The Recession of the Extra-galactic Nebulæ (1931) (15)
- The theory of relativity and its influence on scientific thought (14)
- Gravitation and the Principle of Relativity (1916) (13)
- The sources of stellar energy (1919) (12)
- On the Derivation of the Frequently Function of Space Velocities of the Stars from the Observed Radial Velocities (1936) (12)
- The Interaction of Electric Charges (1930) (12)
- The Borderland of Astronomy and Geology (1923) (11)
- The problem of the Cepheid variables (11)
- The Source of Stellar Energy (9)
- Über die Natur der Dinge (9)
- Change of period of delta Cephei (1919) (9)
- The Decline of Determinism (1932) (9)
- The value of the cosmological constant (1932) (9)
- The Problem of Stellar Luminosity. (1930) (9)
- Star models with variable polytropic index (1938) (9)
- The Source of Stellar Energy (1925) (8)
- Eigenvalues and Whittaker's Function (1927) (8)
- Das Ende der Welt (1935) (8)
- Theory of Electric Charge (1932) (8)
- Total Eclipse of the Sun, 1912 October 10. Report on an Expedition to Passa Quatro, Minas Geraes, Brazil (1913) (8)
- The Pulsations of a Gaseous Star and the Problem of the Cepheid Variables.: Part II. (1919) (7)
- Das Weltbild der Physik : und ein Versuch seiner philosophischen Deutung (The nature of the physical world) (1931) (7)
- The Expanding Universe (1933) (6)
- The Expansion of the Universe (1931) (6)
- The philosophical aspect of the theory of relativity: A symposium (6)
- Raum, Zeit und Schwere: Ein Umriß der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie (6)
- The Size of the Universe: Attempts at a Determination of the Curvature Radius of Spacetime (1930) (6)
- Einstein' Field-Theory (1929) (5)
- On the mass of the proton (1931) (5)
- Theory of scattering of protons by protons (1937) (5)
- Gravitational Deflection of High-Speed Particles (1920) (5)
- Bakerian Lecture of the Royal Society (1926) (5)
- The Deflection of Light during a Solar Eclipse (1919) (5)
- The future of international science (1916) (5)
- Minor Contributions and Notes: Majorana's Theory of Gravitation (1922) (4)
- The pressure of a degenerate electron gas and related problems (1935) (4)
- The Density of Interstellar Calcium and Sodium (1934) (4)
- The Recession-Constant of the Galaxies (1944) (4)
- The speed of recession of the galaxies (1935) (4)
- Lorentz-invariance in quantum theory (1939) (4)
- A new derivation of the quadratic equation for the masses of the proton and electron (1940) (4)
- The evaluation of the cosmical number (1944) (4)
- The Factor 137/136 in Quantum Theory (1934) (4)
- The effect of red-shift on the magnitudes of the nebulæ (1937) (4)
- The Greenwich eclipse expedition to Brazil (4)
- The Relativity of Time (1921) (4)
- The Dynamical Equilibrium of the Stellar System (4)
- Indeterminacy and Indeterminism (1931) (3)
- Die Naturwissenschaft auf neuen Bahnen (1935) (3)
- Relativitätstheorie in mathematischer Behandlung (3)
- CXVII. The spontaneous loss of energy of a spinning rod according to the relativity theory (1923) (3)
- The Effect of Distribution of Density on the Period of Pulsation of a Star (1929) (3)
- The properties of wave tensors (1931) (3)
- Rotation of the Galaxy (1930) (3)
- The masses of the proton and electron (1934) (3)
- The Conditions of Emission of Forbidden Lines (1927) (3)
- Sir Frank Watson Dyson, 1868 - 1939 (1940) (3)
- Joseph Larmor, 1857-1942 (1942) (3)
- Physics and Philosophy (1933) (3)
- Cepheid variables and the age of the stars (1918) (3)
- LXXXIV.On the derivation of planck's law from einstein's equation (1925) (2)
- On Lorentz invariance in the quantum theory. II (1942) (2)
- The Cosmical Constant and the Recession of the Nebulae (1936) (2)
- Some problems of astronomy (III The distribution of cometary orbits) (1913) (2)
- The British Association (1920) (2)
- Halley' Observations on Halley's Comet, 1682 (1910) (2)
- A Century of Astronomy. (1922) (2)
- Einstein Shift and Doppler Shift (1926) (2)
- Die Beziehung zwischen den Massen und der Leuchtkraft der Sterne (1924) (2)
- A Relativity Paradox (1922) (2)
- Symposium: Indeterminacy and Indeterminism (1931) (2)
- LXXXVII. The relativity of field and matter (1921) (2)
- The British Committee for Aiding Men of Letters and Science in Russia (1921) (2)
- Report on the Theory of Gravitation. (1920) (2)
- The Radiation of the Stars (2)
- Some probelms of astronomy (XIX. Gravitation) (1915) (2)
- Radial Velocities and the Curvature of Space-time (1924) (2)
- The Radiation of the Stars (1917) (2)
- Matter In Interstellar Space (2)
- Atomic Transmutation and the Temperatures of Stars (1933) (1)
- Stellar distribution and movements (1911) (1)
- Die Massen-Helligkeitsbeziehung (1)
- The Progression of Stellar Velocity with Absolute Magnitude (1923) (1)
- On the interaction potential in the scattering of protons by protons (1940) (1)
- The Universe and the Atom (1920) (1)
- The Interferometer in Astronomy (1923) (1)
- The British Institute of Philosophy (1935) (1)
- “Space” or “Æther”? (1921) (1)
- Some problems of astronomy (XII The distribution of the spectral classes of the stars) (1913) (1)
- The Electron Velocity Distribution in the Planetary Nebulæ (1940) (1)
- Contributions to a British Association Discussion on the Evolution of the Universe. (1931) (1)
- The Interior of a Star (1)
- God and the universe : Eddington, Jeans, Huxley and Einstein (1931) (1)
- The theoretical values of the physical constants (1942) (1)
- The masses of the neutron and mesotron (1940) (1)
- XXXII. Astronomical consequences of the electrical theory of matter. Note on Sir Oliver Lodge's suggestions, II (1917) (1)
- Diffuse Materie im Raume (1)
- Ether-drift and the Relativity Theory (1925) (0)
- Thomas Hawksley Lecture: Engineering Principles in the Machinery of the Stars (1929) (0)
- The Recession of the Galaxies (1933) (0)
- The “Double Drift” Theory of Star Motions (0)
- Kosmische Wolken und Nebel (1935) (0)
- Thermodynamik der Strahlung (0)
- Die äußeren Teile eines Sternes (0)
- Die Quelle der Sternenergie (0)
- Der Bau der Sterne (1935) (0)
- Wissenschaft und Mystizismus (1931) (0)
- Der Niedergang des Determinismus (1935) (0)
- Indeterminismus und Quantentheorie (1935) (0)
- Die Neue Quantentheorie (1931) (0)
- Das neue und das alte Gravitationsgesetz (0)
- Das Alter der Sterne (1931) (0)
- Die Gravitation und Ihr Gesetz (1931) (0)
- The Effect of Opacity in the Point-source Stellar Model (1931) (0)
- Proper Motions of Stars in the Pleiades (1921) (0)
- Star Clusters (1931) (0)
- Lösung der Gleichungen (0)
- Obituary: Professor Charles Michie Smith (1923) (0)
- Appendix XV Relativity: The Dependence of the Special Theory Upon Global Expansion (0)
- Die Stellung des Menschen im Weltall (1931) (0)
- Überblick über das Problem (0)
- Die Expansion des Weltalls (1935) (0)
- [Letter to Editors] (1941) (0)
- Stellar Structure. (Eingegangen am 25. Juni 1931) (1931) (0)
- Meeting of the British Association at Winnipeg (1909) (0)
- Der Unendlichkeit entgegen (0)
- Theory of the Stern-Gerlach Effect (1936) (0)
- A Review of Stellar Motions by W.W. Campbell, Stellar Movements and the Structure of the Universe by A.S. Eddington (1916) (0)
- Elektrizität und Schwere (0)
- Der Sturz der Klassischen Physik (1931) (0)
- Der Koeffizient der Opazität (0)
- Weitere Prüfungen der Theorie (0)
- Naturwissenschaft und Erfahrung (1935) (0)
- Tafeln für Sonne, Planeten und Mond nebst Tafeln der Mondphasen für die Zeit 4000 vor Chr. bis 3000 nach Chr. Dr Paul V. Neugebauer. Pp. xxx. + 117. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1914. M. 7; bound, M. 8. (1914) (0)
- Speech at the Kepler Monument in Weil-der-Stadt (1930) (0)
- The effect of stellar boundary conditions : A reply (1930) (0)
- Einige neue Untersuchungen (1931) (0)
- Kritiken und Kontroversen (1935) (0)
- The ‘Failure’ of Quantum Theory at Short Ranges and High Energies (1939) (0)
- Philosophie der Naturwissenschaft (1939) (0)
- Sterne und Atome (1931) (0)
- Die vierdimensionale Welt (0)
- Die Gravitation und Ihre Erklärung (1931) (0)
- Impuls und Energie (0)
- Das Innere eines Sterns (1931) (0)
- Der Ablauf des Weltgeschehens (1931) (0)
- Commission 35 (Constitution of the Stars) (1939) (0)
- Relativity, a systematic treatment of einstein's theory. By J. Rice, M.A. Pp. xiv+389. London: Logmans, Green and Co., Ltd., 1923. Price 18s (1924) (0)
- Silberstein's paradox and Einstein's theory (1918) (0)
- [Letters to Editor] (1921) (0)
- The Mass of the Universe (1940) (0)
- [Letter to Editors] (1941) (0)
- Physical and optical societies twenty-first annual exhibition of apparatus (1931) (0)
- Liquid Stars (0)
- Photographic Magnitudes and Effective Wave-Lengths of Nova Aquilæ (1918) determined at the Cambridge Observatory (1919) (0)
- The relation between the velocities of stars and their brightness (1915) (0)
- [Letter to Editors] (1941) (0)
- The derivation of Dr Cowell's integration formula (1917) (0)
- The connection of mass with luminosity for stars (1930) (0)
- Volume Information (1950) (0)
- The Physical Significance of the Quantum Theory By F A. Lindemann. Pp. vi, 148. 7s. 6d. 1932. (Oxford University Press) (1932) (0)
- The definition of polytropic index (1931) (0)
- XV. On the significance of Einstein's gravitational equations in terms of the curvature of the world (0)
- A Vision of Energy (1930) (0)
- LVI. Electrical theories of matter and their astronomical consequences with special reference to the principle of relativity (1918) (0)
- The Analysis of Matter . By Bertrand Russell, F.R.S. (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. 1927. Pp. xvi + 400. Price 21s.) (1928) (0)
- Prof. A. A. Michelson, for Mem.R.S. (1931) (0)
- The Radiation of the Stars (0)
- Liquid Stars and Atomic Volume (1928) (0)
- The philosophy of physical science (with reply by H. Dingle) (1940) (0)
- The uncertainty of the reference frame in quantum mechanics (1939) (0)
- The rotation of the galaxy : being the Halley lecture, delivered on 30 May 1930 (0)
- The Measurement of Intervals (1922) (0)
- Notices of Books (1896) (0)
- Mysticism and poetry on a basis of experience (1934) (0)
- X Rays in the Stars (1930) (0)
- Sir Joseph Larmor, F.R.S. (1942) (0)
- On Dr. Sheppard's Method of Reduction of Error by Linear Compounding (0)
- British Institute of Philosophy (1932) (0)
- The Double-Drift Theory of Star Motions (1907) (0)
- Literature (1935) (0)
- Miss Alice G. Bryant, A.B., M.D., F.A.C.S., The Austerfield, 502 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass., U.S.A (1922) (0)
- Features of the Expanding Universe (1933) (0)
- Causality. A Law of Nature or a Maxim of the Naturalist? By L. Silberstein, Ph.D. (London: Macmillan & Co.1933. Pp. viii + 159. Price 4s. 6d.) (1933) (0)
- On Professor Milne's Treatment of the Mass-Luminosity Problem (1930) (0)
- On the proper motions of the stars (1908) (0)
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