
Arthur Randolph Kelly

Most Influential Person Across History

American archaeologist

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Arthur Randolph Kelly
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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

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Why Is Arthur Randolph Kelly Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Arthur Randolph Kelly was an American professional archaeologist. He made numerous contributions to archeology in Georgia, which began with directing excavations at the Macon Plateau Site in 1933, part of the federal archeology program that provided jobs while undertaking studies of important sites. During his career, he also worked at the Etowah Mound and Village site, Lamar Mounds, the Lake Douglas Mound, the Oliver and Walter F. George River Basin surveys, the Estatoe Mound, the Chauga Mound, and the Bell Field Mound, among others in Georgia.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Arthur Randolph Kelly?

Arthur Randolph Kelly is affiliated with the following schools: