
Arthur S. Abramson

Most Influential Person Now

American linguist

Arthur S. Abramson's Academic­ Rankings

Arthur S. Abramson
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Why Is Arthur S. Abramson Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Arthur Seymour Abramson was an American linguist, phonetician, and speech scientist. Abramson was born in Jersey City, New Jersey. He founded the Department of Linguistics at the University of Connecticut and served as head of the department from 1967 to 1974. Abramson was a Senior Scientist at Haskins Laboratories in New Haven, Connecticut, and he was also a member of Haskins's Board of Directors and the secretary of the corporation. He served as president of the Linguistic Society of America in 1983.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Arthur S. Abramson?

Arthur S. Abramson is affiliated with the following schools: