
Awn Alsharif Qasim

Most Influential Person Now

Sudanese writer and politician

Awn Alsharif Qasim's Academic­ Rankings

Awn Alsharif Qasim
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Why Is Awn Alsharif Qasim Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Awn Al-Sharif Qasim was a prolific Sudanese writer, encyclopedist, scholar, community leader, and one of Sudan's leading experts on Arabic language and literature. He was a strong advocate of Arabic/Islamic culture and its interweaving with Sudanese culture. Qasim authored more than 70 books in the area of Islamic history and civilization, Arabic literature, studies in the Sudanese dialect languages.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Awn Alsharif Qasim?

Awn Alsharif Qasim is affiliated with the following schools: