
Barbara E. Ward

Most Influential Person Across History

British anthropologist

Barbara E. Ward's Academic­ Rankings

Barbara E. Ward
Historical Rank
Social Anthropology
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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

Barbara E. Ward's Degrees

Why Is Barbara E. Ward Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Barbara E. Ward was a British social anthropologist and academic, who specialised in Chinese society. Life Ward was born in 1919. She studied history at Newnham College, an all-women's college of the University of Cambridge. She then attended the University of London, where she gained a diploma in education in 1942. For the next five years she taught in England and West Africa. While teaching in Ghana, she became interested in social anthropology. In 1949, she completed a master's degree from the London School of Economics having studied the Ewe speaking people of Ghana.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Barbara E. Ward?

Barbara E. Ward is affiliated with the following schools: