
Ben Richter

Most Influential Person Now

Musical artist

Why Is Ben Richter Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Ben Richter is an American composer, accordionist, and director of Ghost Ensemble, an experimental chamber ensemble based in New York. Biography Ben Richter was born in the United States in 1986. Specializing in microtonal accordion performance, he composes chamber music that explores subtle gestures, the interactions of gradual processes, modes of awareness, and Deep Listening. He has collaborated with Pauline Oliveros, Phill Niblock, Carmina Escobar, SEM Ensemble, Nieuw Ensemble, and The Dresden Dolls, among others. He teaches at CalArts and holds an M.M. in music from the Royal Conservatory of The Hague and a B.A. from Bard College , where he studied with Kyle Gann, Joan Tower, and George Tsontakis and privately with Pauline Oliveros. In 2012, he founded Ghost Ensemble, which frequently performs his music and that of other living composers.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Ben Richter?

Ben Richter is affiliated with the following schools: