
Benoît Hamon

Most Influential Person Now

French politician

Why Is Benoît Hamon Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Benoît Hamon is a French politician known for his former role within the Socialist Party and Party of European Socialists and his political party Génération.s. Hamon joined the Socialist Party in 1988 and by 1993 became the leader of the Young Socialist Movement, serving until 1995. In 2004, Hamon was elected MEP for East of France and during his time as MEP he ran for leadership of the Socialist Party, losing in the first round of the Reims Congress and endorsing the Eurosceptic option in the 2005 European Constitution referendum.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Benoît Hamon?

Benoît Hamon is affiliated with the following schools: