
Bernard Levin

Most Influential Person Now

British journalist, writer and broadcaster

Bernard Levin's Academic­ Rankings

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Bernard Levin
Computer Science
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computer-science Degrees
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  • Communications
  • Computer Science

Why Is Bernard Levin Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Henry Bernard Levin was an English journalist, author and broadcaster, described by The Times as "the most famous journalist of his day". The son of a poor Jewish family in London, he won a scholarship to the independent school Christ's Hospital and went on to the London School of Economics, graduating in 1952. After a short spell in a lowly job at the BBC selecting press cuttings for use in programmes, he secured a post as a junior member of the editorial staff of a weekly periodical, Truth, in 1953.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Bernard Levin?

Bernard Levin is affiliated with the following schools: