
Berthe Rakotosamimanana

Most Influential Person Now

Malagasy primatologist and paleontologist

Berthe Rakotosamimanana's Academic­ Rankings

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Why Is Berthe Rakotosamimanana Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Berthe Rakotosamimanana was a primatologist and palaeontologist from Madagascar. Early life Rakotosamimanana was born in Andasibe in Moramanga District on 18 January 1938. She studied at the University of Paris VII, Faculty of Sciences, for a degree in animal biology and anthropology. On her return in 1967 she was employed in the Geology Department at the University of Madagascar. She was married to the primatologist Philibert Rakotosamimanana.

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Berthe Rakotosamimanana's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Berthe Rakotosamimanana?

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