
Beth Ann Fennelly

Most Influential Person Now

American poet and prose writer and was the Poet Laureate of Mississippi

Beth Ann Fennelly's Academic­ Rankings

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According to Wikipedia, Beth Ann Fennelly is an American poet and prose writer and was the Poet Laureate of Mississippi. Biography She was born in New Jersey and raised in Lake Forest, Illinois. She attended Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart in Lake Forest, graduating in 1989. She earned a B.A. magna cum laude from the University of Notre Dame in 1993. After graduation, she taught English for a year in a coal mining city on the Czech/Polish border. She later earned an MFA from the University of Arkansas, followed by the Diane Middlebrook Fellowship at the University of Wisconsin. She taught poetry at Knox College for two years. Since 2001, she's taught poetry and non-fiction at the University of Mississippi, where she has won several teaching awards, including Outstanding Liberal Arts Teacher of the Year and the University of Mississippi Humanities Teacher of the Year .

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Beth Ann Fennelly?

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