
Blaženka Despot

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Croatian philosopher and sociologist

Blaženka Despot's Academic­ Rankings

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sociology Degrees
Blaženka Despot
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philosophy Degrees
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  • Sociology
  • Philosophy

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Why Is Blaženka Despot Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Blaženka Despot was a Croatian philosopher, socialist feminist, and sociologist. After finishing high school in Zagreb in 1948 and graduating in philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb, she received her PhD in Ljubljana in 1970 with a thesis on humanity of the technological society. During the period 1956-64 she worked as a high school professor, and later as an assistant at the Department of Socialism at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. In 1974 she was appointed as an associate professor of sociology and political economy, receiving full professorship in 1980 as a Professor of Marxism, socialism and socialist self-management at the Veterinary Faculty in Zagreb. Since 1989 she worked as a research fellow at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Zagreb.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Blaženka Despot?

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