
Brian MacWhinney

Most Influential Person Now

American psychologist and linguist

Brian MacWhinney's Academic­ Rankings

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Brian MacWhinney
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Why Is Brian MacWhinney Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Brian James MacWhinney is a Professor of Psychology and Modern Languages at Carnegie Mellon University. He specializes in first and second language acquisition, psycholinguistics, and the neurological bases of language, and he has written and edited several books and over 100 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on these subjects. MacWhinney is best known for his competition model of language acquisition and for creating the CHILDES and TalkBank corpora. He has also helped to develop a stream of pioneering software programs for creating and running psychological experiments, including PsyScope, an experimental control system for the Macintosh; E-Prime, an experimental control system for the Microsoft Windows platform; and System for Teaching Experimental Psychology , a database of scripts for facilitating and improving psychological and linguistic research.

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Brian MacWhinney's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Brian MacWhinney?

Brian MacWhinney is affiliated with the following schools: