Brian Wansink
American consumer behavior researcher
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Business Psychology
Brian Wansink's Degrees
- PhD Marketing Stanford University
- Masters Marketing Stanford University
- Bachelors Psychology Brigham Young University
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Why Is Brian Wansink Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Brian Wansink is a former American professor and researcher who worked in consumer behavior and marketing research. He is the former executive director of the USDA's Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion and held the John S. Dyson Endowed Chair in the Applied Economics and Management Department at Cornell University, where he directed the Cornell Food and Brand Lab.
Brian Wansink's Published Works
Published Works
- A Benefit Congruency Framework of Sales Promotion Effectiveness (2000) (1441)
- Environmental factors that increase the food intake and consumption volume of unknowing consumers. (2004) (1042)
- Asking Questions: The Definitive Guide to Questionnaire Design -- For Market Research, Political Polls, and Social and Health Questionnaires (2004) (880)
- The Biasing Health Halos of Fast Food Restaurant Health Claims: Lower Calorie Estimates and Higher Side-Dish Consumption Intentions (2007) (767)
- Can “Low-Fat” Nutrition Labels Lead to Obesity? (2006) (737)
- Beyond nudges: Tools of a choice architecture (2012) (700)
- Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think (2001) (561)
- Why Visual Cues of Portion Size May Influence Intake (2004) (554)
- The Influence of Assortment Structure on Perceived Variety and Consumption Quantities (2004) (553)
- Can Package Size Accelerate Usage Volume? (1995) (551)
- Mindless Eating (2006) (510)
- The Variety of an Assortment (1999) (496)
- Exploring comfort food preferences across age and gender (2003) (482)
- An Anchoring and Adjustment Model of Purchase Quantity Decisions (1998) (435)
- Advertising Strategies to Increase Usage Frequency (1996) (420)
- Does food marketing need to make us fat? A review and solutions (2012) (402)
- Bad popcorn in big buckets: portion size can influence intake as much as taste. (2005) (351)
- Healthy Convenience: Nudging Students to Make Healthier Choices in the Lunchroom (2011) (340)
- The Influence of Incidental Affect on Consumers’ Food Intake (2007) (331)
- 'Bottoms Up!' The Influence of Elongation on Pouring and Consumption Volume (2003) (324)
- You Taste What You See: Organic Labels Bias Taste Perceptions (2013) (315)
- A Note on Modeling Consumer Reactions to a Crisis: The Case of the Mad Cow Disease (2002) (313)
- Ice cream illusions bowls, spoons, and self-served portion sizes. (2006) (301)
- Super Bowls: Serving Bowl Size and Food Consumption (2005) (277)
- Is Obesity Caused by Calorie Underestimation? A Psychophysical Model of Meal Size Estimation (2007) (265)
- Portion Size Me: Downsizing Our Consumption Norms (2007) (254)
- Plate Size and Color Suggestibility: The Delboeuf Illusion’s Bias on Serving and Eating Behavior (2012) (248)
- How Descriptive Food Names Bias Sensory Perceptions in Restaurants (2005) (236)
- When Are Stockpiled Products Consumed Faster? A Convenience–Salience Framework of Postpurchase Consumption Incidence and Quantity (2002) (233)
- Evaluating Parents and Adult Caregivers as “Agents of Change” for Treating Obese Children: Evidence for Parent Behavior Change Strategies and Research Gaps A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association (2011) (233)
- From mindless eating to mindlessly eating better (2010) (229)
- Is Meat Male? A Quantitative Multimethod Framework to Establish Metaphoric Relationships (2012) (224)
- The office candy dish: proximity's influence on estimated and actual consumption (2006) (216)
- Food Waste Paradox: Antecedents of Food Disposal in Low-Income Households (2015) (215)
- Kitchenscapes, Tablescapes, Platescapes, and Foodscapes (2007) (200)
- Portion size me: plate-size induced consumption norms and win-win solutions for reducing food intake and waste. (2013) (185)
- Descriptive menu labels' effect on sales (2001) (176)
- Front-Panel Health Claims: When Less is More (2004) (174)
- Smarter lunchrooms can address new school lunchroom guidelines and childhood obesity. (2013) (174)
- How Do Front and Back Package Labels Influence Beliefs About Health Claims? (2003) (172)
- Meal Size, Not Body Size, Explains Errors in Estimating the Calorie Content of Meals (2006) (167)
- Smarter Lunchrooms: Using Behavioral Economics to Improve Meal Selection (2009) (164)
- Attractive names sustain increased vegetable intake in schools. (2012) (154)
- Weighing the Evidence of Common Beliefs in Obesity Research (2015) (149)
- How visibility and convenience influence candy consumption (2002) (148)
- Better Moods for Better Eating? How Mood Influences Food Choice (2004) (147)
- At the movies: how external cues and perceived taste impact consumption volume (2001) (147)
- Are we aware of the external factors that influence our food intake? (2008) (144)
- Is Food Marketing Making Us Fat? A Multi-Disciplinary Review (2011) (140)
- Pre-sliced fruit in school cafeterias: children's selection and intake. (2013) (134)
- Slim by Design: Redirecting the Accidental Drivers of Mindless Overeating (2014) (133)
- Mindless Eating and Healthy Heuristics for the Irrational. (2009) (133)
- Shape of glass and amount of alcohol poured: comparative study of effect of practice and concentration (2005) (128)
- Factors Related to Sustained Use of a Free Mobile App for Dietary Self-Monitoring With Photography and Peer Feedback: Retrospective Cohort Study (2014) (127)
- Nutritional Gatekeepers and the 72% Solution (2006) (125)
- Shining Light on Atmospherics: How Ambient Light Influences Food Choices (2017) (122)
- Changing Eating Habits on the Home Front: Lost Lessons from World War II Research (2002) (121)
- The Validity of Attribute-Importance Measurement: A Review (2007) (121)
- Hierarchy of nutritional knowledge that relates to the consumption of a functional food. (2005) (121)
- Kitchenscapes, Tabelscapes, Platescapes and Foodscapes: Influences of Micro-Scale Built Environments on Food Intake (2006) (120)
- Internal and External Cues of Meal Cessation: The French Paradox Redux? (2007) (118)
- Reliability and accuracy of real-time visualization techniques for measuring school cafeteria tray waste: validating the quarter-waste method. (2014) (115)
- Sensory Suggestiveness and Labeling: Do Soy Labels Bias Taste? (2002) (113)
- Could Behavioral Economics Help Improve Diet Quality for Nutrition Assistance Program Participants? (2007) (113)
- De-Marketing Obesity (2005) (107)
- Using Laddering to Understand and Leverage a Brand's Equity (2003) (107)
- How Soy Labeling Influences Preference and Taste (2000) (106)
- Slim by Design: Serving Healthy Foods First in Buffet Lines Improves Overall Meal Selection (2013) (106)
- The Flat-Rate Pricing Paradox: Conflicting Effects of “All-You-Can-Eat” Buffet Pricing (2011) (102)
- Channel Contract Behavior: the Role of Risk Attitudes, Risk Perceptions, and Channel Member Market Structures (2004) (102)
- “Is this a meal or snack?” Situational cues that drive perceptions (2010) (98)
- Position of the American Dietetic Association: food and nutrition misinformation. (2005) (94)
- Supplementing menu labeling with calorie recommendations to test for facilitation effects. (2013) (93)
- How Diet and Health Labels Influence Taste and Satiation (2006) (91)
- Red potato chips: segmentation cues can substantially decrease food intake. (2012) (90)
- Fine as North Dakota wine: Sensory expectations and the intake of companion foods (2006) (89)
- Smart Shopping Carts: How Real-Time Feedback Influences Spending (2013) (88)
- “Out of sight, out of mind”: Pantry stockpiling and brand-usage frequency (1994) (86)
- Dining in the dark. The importance of visual cues for food consumption and satiety (2010) (85)
- When Do Gain-Framed Health Messages Work Better Than Fear Appeals (2014) (81)
- Food plating preferences of children: the importance of presentation on desire for diversity (2012) (81)
- Just thinking about exercise makes me serve more food. Physical activity and calorie compensation (2011) (78)
- The impact of a supermarket nutrition rating system on purchases of nutritious and less nutritious foods (2014) (76)
- How Biased Household Inventory Estimates Distort Shopping and Storage Decisions (2006) (73)
- Blinded with science: Trivial graphs and formulas increase ad persuasiveness and belief in product efficacy (2016) (71)
- Choice under restrictions (2008) (71)
- Change Their Choice! Changing Behavior Using the CAN Approach and Activism Research (2015) (69)
- Food pantry selection solutions: a randomized controlled trial in client-choice food pantries to nudge clients to targeted foods (2016) (69)
- Advertising's Impact on Category Substitution (1994) (68)
- Wasted Positive Intentions: The Role of Affection and Abundance on Household Food Waste (2014) (67)
- New Techniques to Generate Key Marketing Insights (2000) (67)
- Fast Food Restaurant Lighting and Music can Reduce Calorie Intake and Increase Satisfaction (2012) (64)
- Eating Behavior and Obesity at Chinese Buffets (2008) (64)
- Is it fun or exercise? The framing of physical activity biases subsequent snacking (2014) (64)
- Can branding improve school lunches? (2012) (63)
- Best If Used By...How Freshness Dating Influences Food Acceptance (2006) (63)
- Counting Bones: Environmental Cues That Decrease Food Intake (2007) (60)
- Slim by design: Menu strategies for promoting high-margin, healthy foods (2014) (59)
- Fit in 50 years: participation in high school sports best predicts one’s physical activity after Age 70 (2013) (58)
- Profiling the heroic leader: Empirical lessons from combat-decorated veterans of World War II (2008) (57)
- Dinner rituals that correlate with child and adult BMI (2013) (57)
- Farmers’ Preferences for Crop Insurance Attributes (2003) (57)
- Leveraging FDA Health Claims (2005) (57)
- Chocolate Milk Consequences: A Pilot Study Evaluating the Consequences of Banning Chocolate Milk in School Cafeterias (2014) (57)
- Pre-Ordering School Lunch Encourages Better Food Choices by Children (2013) (56)
- The Marketing Battle Over Genetically Modified Foods (2001) (55)
- Caring for Mobile Phone-Based Virtual Pets can Influence Youth Eating Behaviors (2012) (54)
- Weight Rhythms: Weight Increases during Weekends and Decreases during Weekdays (2013) (54)
- Eating Together at the Firehouse: How Workplace Commensality Relates to the Performance of Firefighters (2015) (54)
- Calorie reductions and within‐meal calorie compensation in children's meal combos (2014) (53)
- Serving Bowl Selection Biases Amount of Food Served (2010) (53)
- Behavioral Economic Concepts To Encourage Healthy Eating in School Cafeterias: Experiments and Lessons From College Students (2012) (52)
- Larger Bowl Size Increases the Amount of Cereal Children Request, Consume, and Waste (2013) (49)
- One Man's Tall is Another Man's Small: How the Framing of Portion-Size Influences Food Choice (2013) (48)
- Methods and Measures That Profile Heavy Users (2000) (47)
- Antecedents and Mediators of Eating Bouts (1994) (47)
- Fattening fasting: hungry grocery shoppers buy more calories, not more food. (2013) (47)
- Channel Contract Behavior: The Role of Risk Attitudes, Risk Perceptions, and Channel Members' Market Structures (2003) (46)
- Do children really prefer large portions? Visual illusions bias their estimates and intake. (2007) (46)
- Developing a cost-effective brand loyalty program (2003) (46)
- Weight Gain over the Holidays in Three Countries. (2016) (45)
- Profiling nutritional gatekeepers: three methods for differentiating influential cooks (2003) (45)
- The clean plate club: about 92% of self-served food is eaten (2014) (45)
- Virtual Reality Technologies for Research and Education in Obesity and Diabetes: Research Needs and Opportunities (2011) (45)
- Wine Promotions in Restaurants (2006) (45)
- Consequences of belonging to the "clean plate club". (2008) (44)
- Consumer reactions to food safety crises. (2004) (43)
- Overcoming the Taste Stigma of Soy (2003) (43)
- Environmental Factors that Unknowingly Increase a Consumer's Food Intake and Consumption Volume (2004) (43)
- Trying Harder and Doing Worse: How Grocery Shoppers Track in-Store Spending (2010) (43)
- The 100‐Calorie Semi‐Solution: Sub‐Packaging Most Reduces Intake Among The Heaviest (2011) (42)
- Crowdsourcing Novel Childhood Predictors of Adult Obesity (2013) (42)
- Relation of Soy Consumption to Nutritional Knowledge. (2001) (42)
- The largest Last Supper: depictions of food portions and plate size increased over the millennium (2010) (41)
- What would Batman eat?: priming children to make healthier fast food choices (2011) (41)
- Substituting sugar confectionery with fruit and healthy snacks at checkout – a win-win strategy for consumers and food stores? a study on consumer attitudes and sales effects of a healthy supermarket intervention (2016) (41)
- The Mystery of the Cabinet Castaway: Why We Buy Products We Never Use (2000) (40)
- The Dark Side of Consumer Behavior: Empirical Examinations of Impulsive and Compulsive Consumption (1994) (39)
- Are Breaks in Daily Self-Weighing Associated with Weight Gain? (2014) (38)
- Food compensation: do exercise ads change food intake? (2010) (37)
- Better School Meals on a Budget: Using Behavioral Economics and Food Psychology to Improve Meal Selection (2010) (37)
- Response to “Measuring consumer response to food products”. Sensory tests that predict consumer acceptance (2003) (36)
- When snacks become meals: How hunger and environmental cues bias food intake (2010) (36)
- Fruit-Promoting Smarter Lunchrooms Interventions: Results From a Cluster RCT. (2017) (35)
- Toxics, Toyotas, and Terrorism: The Behavioral Economics of Fear and Stigma (2011) (35)
- Trigger Foods: The Influence of “Irrelevant” Alternatives in School Lunchrooms (2012) (34)
- How Retailers’ Recommendation and Return Policies Alter Product Evaluations (2012) (34)
- Viewers vs. Doers. The relationship between watching food television and BMI (2015) (34)
- Sports at Work (2015) (34)
- Mindless Eating Challenge: Retention, Weight Outcomes, and Barriers for Changes in a Public Web-Based Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Program (2012) (33)
- The Joy of Cooking Too Much: 70 Years of Calorie Increases in Classic Recipes (2009) (33)
- Making Old Brands New (1997) (33)
- College cafeteria snack food purchases become less healthy with each passing week of the semester (2012) (33)
- Can generic advertising alleviate consumer concerns over food scares? (2011) (32)
- The Impact of Source Reputation on Inferences About Unadvertised Attributes (1989) (31)
- Move the Fruit: Putting Fruit in New Bowls and New Places Doubles Lunchroom Sales (2011) (31)
- Helping Consumers Eat Less (2007) (31)
- An Apple a Day Brings More Apples Your Way: Healthy Samples Prime Healthier Choices (2013) (30)
- The Hot–Cold Decision Triangle: A framework for healthier choices (2012) (30)
- Who's using MyPlate? (2012) (29)
- RETRACTED: The sweet tooth hypothesis: How fruit consumption relates to snack consumption (2005) (29)
- The sound of cooperation: Musical influences on cooperative behavior (2016) (29)
- Impact of a Smarter Lunchroom intervention on food selection and consumption among adolescents and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in a residential school setting (2013) (29)
- Looks Good Enough to Eat (2012) (28)
- Watching food-related television increases caloric intake in restrained eaters (2011) (28)
- Slim by Design (2014) (28)
- Just a Bite: Considerably Smaller Snack Portions Satisfy Delayed Hunger and Craving (2012) (28)
- Rejoinder to The Variety of an Assortment: An Extension to the Attribute-Based Approach (2002) (28)
- Moving up in taste: Enhanced projected taste and freshness of moving food products (2017) (28)
- Watch what you eat: action-related television content increases food intake. (2014) (27)
- Healthy Foods First: Students Take the First Lunchroom Food 11% More Often Than the Third (2011) (27)
- Chefs move to schools. A pilot examination of how chef-created dishes can increase school lunch participation and fruit and vegetable intake (2014) (27)
- “Don’t eat so much:” how parent comments relate to female weight satisfaction (2017) (27)
- Increasing the Acceptance of Soy-Based Foods (2005) (27)
- Healthy Profits: An Interdisciplinary Retail Framework that Increases the Sales of Healthy Foods (2017) (27)
- Fresh from the Tree: Implied Motion Improves Food Evaluation (2015) (27)
- From Coke to Coors: A Field Study of a Fat Tax and Its Unintended Consequences (2013) (27)
- Editorial: The power of panels (2001) (26)
- Extraverted Children Are More Biased by Bowl Sizes than Introverts (2013) (25)
- Accounting for Taste: Prototypes that Predict Preference (2000) (25)
- It’s Not Just Lunch: Extra-Pair Commensality Can Trigger Sexual Jealousy (2012) (25)
- Quantitative Approaches to Consumer Field Research (2011) (24)
- Making Brand Loyalty Programs Succeed (2000) (24)
- Association of Nutrient-Dense Snack Combinations With Calories and Vegetable Intake (2013) (24)
- Hedonic and utilitarian consumer benefits of sales promotions (1999) (24)
- Biosecurity, Terrorism, and Food Consumption Behavior: Using Experimental Psychology to Analyze Choices Involving Fear (2009) (23)
- First Foods Most: After 18-Hour Fast, People Drawn to Starches First and Vegetables Last (2012) (23)
- Revitalizing mature packaged goods (2001) (22)
- Spoons systematically bias dosing of liquid medicine. (2010) (22)
- Increasing Cognitive Response Sensitivity (1994) (21)
- Beauty is in the in-group of the beholded: Intergroup differences in the perceived attractiveness of leaders (2014) (21)
- Depicted serving size: cereal packaging pictures exaggerate serving sizes and promote overserving (2017) (21)
- Exploring the flavor life cycle of beers with varying alcohol content (2017) (20)
- Household Food Waste Solutions for Behavioral Economists and Marketers (2018) (20)
- Convenient, attractive, and normative: the CAN approach to making children slim by design. (2013) (20)
- New Uses that Revitalize Old Brands (1999) (19)
- A Cultural Hedonic Framework for Increasing the Consumption of Unfamiliar Foods: Soy Acceptance in Russia and Colombia (2002) (19)
- Clinical decisions. Regulation of sugar-sweetened beverages. (2012) (19)
- Ingredient-Based Food Fears and Avoidance: Antecedents and Antidotes (2014) (19)
- A plant to plate pilot: a cold‐climate high school garden increased vegetable selection but also waste (2015) (19)
- The limits of defaults: why french fries trump apple slices (2016) (18)
- Package Size, Portion Size, Serving Size...Market Size: The Unconventional Case for Half-Size Servings (2012) (18)
- Lower buffet prices lead to less taste satisfaction (1019.16) (2014) (18)
- Is Obesity Caused by Calorie Underestimation? A Psychophysical Model of Fast-Food Meal Size Estimation (2007) (18)
- Project M.O.M.: Mothers & Others & MyPyramid. (2008) (18)
- Candy consumption patterns, effects on health, and behavioral strategies to promote moderation: summary report of a roundtable discussion. (2015) (18)
- Cooking habits provide a key to 5 a day success. (2004) (18)
- Listen to the Music: Its Impact on Affect, Perceived Time Passage, and Applause (1992) (18)
- The effect of an intervention on schoolchildren’s susceptibility to a peer’s candy intake (2013) (17)
- Do Psychological Shocks Affect Financial Risk Taking Behavior? A Study of U.S. Veterans (2012) (17)
- Food neophiles: Profiling the adventurous eater (2015) (17)
- New Year’s Res-Illusions: Food Shopping in the New Year Competes with Healthy Intentions (2014) (17)
- Special Session Summary Weight and Height and Shape and Size: When Do Peripheral Cues Drive Evaluation and Consumption? (2003) (17)
- Larger partitions lead to larger sales: Divided grocery carts alter purchase norms and increase sales (2017) (17)
- A Congruency Framework of Sales Promotion Effectiveness (2001) (17)
- Dining in the Dark: How Uncertainty Influences Food Acceptance in the Absence of Light (2012) (17)
- Are There Atheists in Foxholes? Combat Intensity and Religious Behavior (2013) (16)
- Eyes in the Aisles (2015) (16)
- Trayless cafeterias lead diners to take less salad and relatively more dessert (2013) (16)
- The Visual Illusions of Food: Why Plates, Bowls, and Spoons Can Bias Consumption Volume (2006) (16)
- What Is in a Name? Giving Descriptive Names to Vegetables Increases Lunchroom Sales (2011) (16)
- Half Full or Empty: Cues That Lead Wine Drinkers to Unintentionally Overpour (2014) (15)
- To spend or not to spend? The effect of budget constraints on estimation processes and spending behavior (2005) (15)
- Mindless drinking: how gender and BMI relate to the consumption of alcohol. (2014) (15)
- Stopping decisions of Travelers (2004) (15)
- The audience eats more if a movie character keeps eating: An unconscious mechanism for media influence on eating behaviors (2017) (14)
- Small Changes and Lasting Effects (SCALE) Trial: The Formation of a Weight Loss Behavioral Intervention Using EVOLVE (2015) (14)
- Which Design Components of Nutrition Infographics Make Them Memorable and Compelling? (2016) (14)
- Concession Stand Makeovers: A Pilot Study of Offering Healthy Foods at High School Concession Stands (2014) (14)
- How Descriptive Menu Labels Influence Attitudes and Repatronage (2002) (14)
- Existing Food Habits and Recent Choices Lead to Disregard of Food Safety Announcements (2015) (14)
- McHealthy: How Marketing Incentives Influence Healthy Food Choices (2017) (14)
- In good company. The effect of an eating companion's appearance on food intake (2014) (13)
- Environmental influences on small eating behavior change to promote weight loss among Black and Hispanic populations (2016) (13)
- Predicting the future of consumer panels (2002) (13)
- Fast food, soft drink and candy intake is unrelated to body mass index for 95% of American adults (2015) (13)
- The Behavioral Science of Eating: Encouraging Boundary Research That Has Impact (2016) (13)
- Exercise and Food Compensation: Exploring Diet-Related Beliefs and Behaviors of Regular Exercisers (2015) (13)
- How vegetables make the meal: their hedonic and heroic impact on perceptions of the meal and of the preparer (2012) (12)
- Making brand loyalty programmes succeed (2001) (12)
- Consumer Reactions to a Crisis (2002) (12)
- Death row nutrition. Curious conclusions of last meals (2012) (12)
- Innovative Approaches to Weight Loss in a High Risk Population: The Small Changes and Lasting Effects (SCALE) Trial (2017) (12)
- The Waiter’s Weight (2015) (12)
- Fluid consumption and the potential role of canteen shape in minimizing dehydration. (2005) (12)
- Fifty years of fat: news coverage of trends that predate obesity prevalence (2015) (12)
- Taste Profiles that Correlate with Soy Consumption in Developing Countries (2002) (12)
- Built Environments and Obesity (2007) (12)
- School lunch debit card payment systems are associated with lower Nutrition and higher calories (2014) (11)
- Peak-end pizza: prices delay evaluations of quality (2015) (11)
- Interactions between forms of fat consumption and restaurant bread consumption (2003) (11)
- The 10% Slution: Tying Managerial Salary Increases to Workplace Wellness Actions (and Not Results) (2016) (11)
- Using plate mapping to examine portion size and plate composition for large and small divided plates. (2014) (11)
- Nutrition Report Cards: An Opportunity to Improve School Lunch Selection (2013) (11)
- Making It Part of the Package: Edible Packaging Is More Acceptable to Young Consumers When It Is Integrated With Food (2017) (10)
- Engineering Comfort Foods (2014) (10)
- Eating Heavily: Men Eat More in the Company of Women (2016) (10)
- Segmentation Approaches that Differentiate Consumption Frequency from Sensory Preference (2004) (10)
- Estimating Food Quantity: Biases and Remedies (2008) (10)
- Proximity's Influence on Estimated and Actual Candy Consumption (2006) (10)
- Nutrition education and behavioral economics. (2012) (10)
- Boundary Research: Tools and Rules to Impact Emerging Fields (2015) (10)
- Clutter, Chaos, and Overconsumption (2017) (10)
- Do Size Labels Have a Common Meaning Among Consumers (2011) (10)
- Smarter Lunchrooms: Libertarian Paternalism Can Address New School Lunchroom Guidelines and Childhood Obesity (2012) (9)
- Slim by Design: Kitchen Counter Correlates of Obesity (2015) (9)
- Partitioned Shopping Carts: Assortment Allocation Cues that Increase Fruit and Vegetable Purchases (2014) (9)
- The relationship between social network body size and the body size norms of Black and Hispanic adults (2015) (9)
- Eyes in the Aisles: Why Is Cap’N Crunch Looking Down at My Child? (2014) (8)
- Turning Virtual Reality into Reality: A Checklist to Ensure Virtual Reality Studies of Eating Behavior and Physical Activity Parallel the Real World (2011) (8)
- RETRACTED: Profiling taste-motivated segments (2003) (8)
- Cabinet Castaways: Why We Buy Products We Never Use (2000) (8)
- Dispelling myths about a new healthful food can be more motivating than promoting nutritional benefits: the case of Tofu. (2014) (8)
- Improving Attribute-Importance Measurement: A Reference-Point Approach (2004) (8)
- Activism Research: Designing Transformative Lab and Field Studies (2012) (8)
- Consumer profiling and the new product development toolbox: a commentary on van Kleef, van Trijp, and Luning (2005) (8)
- Clutter, Chaos, and Overconsumption: The Role of Mind-Set in Stressful and Chaotic Food Environments (2016) (8)
- Can political cookies leave a bad taste in one’s mouth?: Political ideology influences taste (2017) (8)
- Disrupting the Default Choice: The Contentious Case of Chocolate Milk (2011) (7)
- A Framework for Revitalizing Mature Brands (2000) (7)
- Do Descriptive Menu Labels Bias a Person's Taste? (2001) (7)
- RETRACTED: How negative experiences shape long-term food preferences. Fifty years from the World War II combat front (2009) (7)
- Gaps : A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association Obese Children: Evidence for Parent Behavior Change Strategies and Research Evaluating Parents and Adult Caregivers as ''Agents of Change'' for Treating (2012) (7)
- Descriptive Menu Labels’ Effect on Sales (2001) (7)
- The French Paradox Redux: Internal and External Cues of Meal Cessation (2007) (7)
- The adaptation of a school-based health promotion programme for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities: a community-engaged research process. (2014) (7)
- Death Row Confessions and the Last Meal Test of Innocence (2013) (6)
- Part Carts: Assortment Allocation Cues that Increase Fruit and Vegetable Purchases (2013) (6)
- Doing consumer research in the field (2009) (6)
- Health Halos: How Nutrition Claims Influence Food Consumption for Overweight and Normal Weight People (2005) (6)
- Lunch Line Redesign: Making School Lunchrooms Smarter (2011) (6)
- Mood Self‐Verification Relates to the Selection and Intake Frequency of Comfort Foods (2006) (6)
- College Cafeteria Signage Increases Water Intake but Water Position on the Soda Dispenser Encourages More Soda Consumption (2017) (6)
- Frosting on the cake: pictures on food packaging bias serving size (2016) (6)
- Activism Research: Designing Research that Intends to Transform (2009) (6)
- A multidimensional approach to measuring attribute importance (2004) (6)
- The Food Industry Role in Obesity Prevention (2007) (6)
- RETRACTED ARTICLE: Low prices and high regret: how pricing influences regret at all-you-can-eat buffets (2015) (5)
- Extension Advertising's Impact on Brand Equity (1993) (5)
- A Source of Contention or Nutrition: An Assessment of Removing Flavored Milk from School Lunchrooms (2012) (5)
- Adults only: why don’t children belong to the clean-plate club? (2015) (5)
- Eating behaviors and the number of buffet trips: an observational study at all-you-can-eat Chinese restaurants. (2013) (5)
- What really determines what we eat. The hidden truth. (2006) (5)
- Corrigendum to "Attractive names sustain increased vegetable intake in schools" [Prev. Med. 55 (4) (2012) 330-332]. (2018) (5)
- Stop spoon dosing: milliliter instructions reduce inclination to spoon dosing (2016) (5)
- Cornell's Smarter Lunchroom Initiative: Engineering Smart Selections (2010) (5)
- The new Society for Nutrition Education… "and Behavior". (2011) (5)
- The Syracuse Plate: Reducing BMI by Introducing Smaller Plates in Households (2013) (5)
- Notice of Retraction. Wansink B, Just DR, Payne CR. Can Branding Improve School Lunches? Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2012;166(10):967-968. JAMA Pediatr. doi:10.1001/archpediatrics.2012.999. (2017) (5)
- What is Beautiful Tastes Good: Visual Cues, Taste, and Willingness to Pay (2014) (5)
- Turning Mindless Eating into Healthy Eating (2009) (5)
- Eating dogfood: examining the relative roles of reason and emotion (2013) (4)
- Going Trayless: Unintended Nutritional Consequences of Trayless Cafeterias (2011) (4)
- Employee health codes of conduct: what would they look like and who wants to accept them? (2015) (4)
- The Consumer Marketing of Biotechnology (2001) (4)
- How Traumatic Violence Permanently Changes Shopping Behavior (2016) (4)
- Total Lunchroom Makeovers: Using the Principles of Asymmetric Paternalism to Address New School Lunchroom Guidelines (2012) (4)
- Erratum to: Stop spoon dosing: milliliter instructions reduce inclination to spoon dosing (2016) (4)
- Cognitive Dissonance, Confirmatory Bias and Inadequate Information Processing: Evidence from Experimental Auctions (2014) (4)
- Expansion Advertising (1998) (4)
- Television watching and effects on food intake--reply. (2015) (4)
- Commentaries and Rejoinder to "Marketing of Vice Goods: A Strategic Analysis of the Package Size Decision" by Sanjay Jain (2012) (4)
- Who’s Adopting Smarter Lunchroom Approach? Individual Characteristics of Innovative Food Service Directors (2015) (4)
- Measuring Food Intake in Field Studies (2008) (4)
- How Negative Experiences Shape Long-Term Food Preferences (2010) (4)
- Smarter Lunchrooms - Does Changing Environments Really Give More Nutritional Bang for the Buck? (2014) (4)
- Retraction Note: Low prices and high regret: how pricing influences regret at all-you-can-eat buffets (2015) (4)
- McHealthy (2017) (4)
- Healthy Concessions: High School Students' Responses to Healthy Concession Stand Changes. (2017) (3)
- Big Drinkers: How BMI, Gender and Rules of Thumb Influence the Free Pouring of Wine (2014) (3)
- The Effect of Primed and Framed Reference Points on Product Attribute Importance (2005) (3)
- The Fixed Price Paradox : Conflicting Effects of “ All-You-Can-Eat ” Pricing A (2008) (3)
- Biosecurity Terrorism, Food Safety, and Food Consumption: Using Experimental Psychology to Analyze Economic Behavior (2008) (3)
- Mindless Eating: Environmental Contributors to Obesity (2010) (3)
- Food Art Does Not Reflect Reality (2016) (3)
- Exhibitionist Eating: Who Wins Eating Competitions? (2016) (3)
- Packaging Cues That Frame Portion Size: the Case of the Red Potato Chip (2009) (3)
- Slim by Design: Menu Engineering Strategies for Promoting High-Margin, Healthy Foods (2014) (3)
- Who's adopting the smarter lunchroom approach? Individual characteristics of innovative food service directors. (2017) (3)
- Erratum to: Depicted serving size: cereal packaging pictures exaggerate serving sizes and promote overserving (2017) (3)
- Point-of-purchase promotions that sell more units (1997) (3)
- Book Review: Customer Visits: Building a Better Marketing Focus (1994) (3)
- Depicted Versus Stated Serving Sizes: Exaggerated Servings on Packaging Encourage Overeating (2016) (3)
- Empowering nutrition gatekeepers: the parents. (2011) (3)
- Using Choice Architecture to Create Healthy Food Interventions in Food Pantries (2016) (3)
- Empty bags, fuller stomachs: how empty packages give the illusion of fullness (626.19) (2014) (3)
- The Battle Over Genetically Modified Foods: False Assumptions About Consumer Behavior (2001) (3)
- Applying behavioral economics research to improving children's food choices at school (2011) (3)
- The Behavioral Economics of Healthier School Lunch Payment Systems (2011) (3)
- Calorie Underestimation, Meal Size, and Body Size (2006) (3)
- School Lunch Debit Cards are Associated with Lower Nutrition and Higher Calories (2013) (3)
- Convenience Drives Choice in School Lunch Rooms: A Salad Bar Success Story (2010) (3)
- The Impact of Vision on Flavor Perception (2014) (3)
- Biting Versus Chewing: Eating Style and Social Aggression in Children (2010) (3)
- Goal-Related Consumption and Extension Advertising: the Impact on Memory and Consumption (1992) (3)
- Smarter Lunchrooms: Payment Systems that Nudge Healthier School Lunch Choices (2010) (3)
- You taste what you see: Organic labels favorably bias taste perceptions (2011) (2)
- Taste Profiles that Correlate with Soy Consumption (2002) (2)
- When Are Stockpiled Products Consumed Faster? A C o n v e n i e n c e - S a l i e n c e Framework of Postpurchase Consumption Incidence and Quantity (2002) (2)
- Saving Food in Restaurants: Half-Sized Portions Outperform Persuasion on Mitigating Waste (2015) (2)
- Mindless Eating and Environmental Cues (2009) (2)
- Slim by Design or by Willpower? Replies to Herman and Polivy and to Roberto, Pomeranz, and Fisher (2014) (2)
- Chefs Move to Schools: A Pilot Examination of How Chef-Created Dishes Can Increase School Lunch Participation and Fruit and Vegetable Intake (2014) (2)
- "Bet You Can't Eat Just one"- (1994) (2)
- Evaluating the impact of fat taxes and vegetables subsidies on specific food categories (630.4) (2014) (2)
- Special Session Summary Consumer Biases in Estimations of Product Quantity, Distance, and Currency Value (2004) (2)
- Peer Effects in the Buffet Line: Is Overeating Contagious? (2011) (2)
- Corrigendum to ‘“Is this a meal or snack?” Situational cues that drive perceptions’ [Appetite 54 (2010) 214–216] (2019) (2)
- Exploring Perception and Acceptance of Edible Insects as a Protein Source (2018) (2)
- New insights about consumers' perception and evaluation of product assortments (2001) (2)
- How expansion advertising affects brand usage frequency : a programmatic evaluation (1993) (2)
- Consumer Response to Food Safety Crises (2003) (2)
- The National Mindless Eating Challenge: Dietary Profiles Predict a Differential Effectiveness of Interventions: (2008) (2)
- Empowering nutrition gatekeepers: policy with a small "p". (2012) (2)
- Pre-Ordering Systems Encourage Healthier Choices in School Lunchrooms (2012) (2)
- Shifts in the Enjoyment of Healthy and Unhealthy Behaviors Affect Short- and Long-Term Postbariatric Weight Loss† (2017) (2)
- Wasted Food in Low-Income Households: the Role of Abundance and Affection (2015) (2)
- Abandoned Products and Consumer Waste: How Did That Get Into the Pantry? (2001) (2)
- Shifts in the Enjoyment of Healthy and Unhealthy Behaviors Affect Short- and Long-Term Postbariatric Weight Loss†. (2017) (2)
- All the Right Moves: Why Motion Increases Appeal of Food Products (2015) (2)
- Confirmatory Bias under Food-Borne Risk: A Lab Experiment (2010) (2)
- Retraction notice to "Attractive Names Sustain Increased Vegetable Intake in Schools" [Prev. Med. 55/4 (2012) 330 - 332]. (2018) (2)
- Finger Fruits: Pre-Sliced Fruit in Schools Increases Selection and Intake (2012) (2)
- Decoupling the Independent Effects of Multiple Simultaneous Behavior Changes in on Weight Loss (2010) (2)
- How Do Front and Back Package Labels (2003) (2)
- College cafeteria snack food sales become less healthy with each passing week of the semester (2011) (1)
- Groceries and Gum: Chewing Gum Influences Grocery Store Shopping (2014) (1)
- Foreign Weight: New Food Environments as Weight Change Estimates for Expats (2017) (1)
- The psychology of heroes: antecedents and consequences of combat-decorated war heroism (2011) (1)
- The Clean Plate Club's: Multi-Generational Impact on Child and Adult BMI (2017) (1)
- Correction: Nutrition Report Cards: An Opportunity to Improve School Lunch Selection (2013) (1)
- Nutrition lessons from death row? an analysis of last meals (2011) (1)
- Heavy Choices: Exertion and Food Choice Healthiness in Field Settings (2016) (1)
- What Predicts Whether a Child Will Be at Risk for Obesity (2014) (1)
- How Can I Choose Not Knowing What You Chose? the Biasing Effect of Context When Consuming With Others (2013) (1)
- Mindless Eating and Food‐Related Decisions (2007) (1)
- Hidden Persuaders: Environmental Contributors to Obesity (2010) (1)
- Authors’ response: Regarding the paper ‘The impact of a supermarket nutrition rating system on purchases of nutritious and less nutritious foods’ by Cawley et al. (2014) (1)
- The Longer the Semester the Worse the Snacks (2011) (1)
- Fat Taxes Versus Vegetable Subsidies: Which Works Best in the Field? (2013) (1)
- Reference Points and the Importance of Attributes in Consumer Judgment and Choice (2004) (1)
- Meal Size, Not Body Size, Explains Calorie Underestimation (2007) (1)
- Using Plate Mapping to Examine Sensitivity to Plate Size in Food Portions and Meal Composition (2012) (1)
- Developing Cost-Effective Brand Loyalty Programs (2003) (1)
- The Smartphone Diet? Active Engagement With Content Can Decrease Eating (2015) (1)
- Blinded Me with Science: Trivial Graphs and Formulas Make Ads More Persuasive (2014) (1)
- Achieve Better Health With Nutrient-Rich Foods (2012) (1)
- Heavy Tray, Light Trigger: Heavy Trays Lead to Increased Serving of Liked Snacks (2016) (1)
- Pound Per Pound: Do Heavy Burdens Make Heavy People? (2014) (1)
- Students Eat Healthier Lunches but Waste More Fruit when They Preorder (2012) (1)
- An Assessment of Tray Waste Measurement Techniques (2012) (1)
- Eating Together: Men Eat Heavily in the Company of Women (2014) (1)
- The Wichita “One‐Ton” Weight Loss Program: Community Weight Loss and the National Mindless Eating Challenge (2011) (1)
- Level of TV distraction influences amount eaten (626.20) (2014) (1)
- Our Food Radius: Americans Purchase or Eat 75% of Their Food within Three Miles of Home (2013) (1)
- Cooking with Kids: Eating the Same but Behaving Better (2017) (1)
- Is it fun or exercise? The framing of physical activity biases subsequent snacking (2014) (1)
- Simulation Reduces Calorie Estimation (2014) (1)
- Notice of Retraction and Replacement. Wansink B, Just DR, Payne CR. Can Branding Improve School Lunches? Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2012;166(10):967-968. doi:10.1001/archpediatrics.2012.999. (2017) (1)
- The Limits of Changing Defaults in Fast-Food Restaurants and the Surprising Solution for a Better Happy Meal (2012) (1)
- Healthy School Lunch Behavior and the Invisible Hand (2008) (1)
- Fact Check Scientific Research in the National Interest Act (2016) (1)
- Locating and leveraging inside sources of consumer insights (2016) (1)
- Fast Food or Fast Feet: Understanding the Relationship Between BMI, Calorie Source and Recreational Time Usage (2013) (1)
- Empowering Nutrition Gatekeepers: The Products (2012) (1)
- Viewers vs. Doers: The Relationship between Watching Food Television and BMI (2015) (1)
- Easy as pie (2015) (1)
- Slim by Design: Moving from Can't to CAN (2014) (1)
- Corrigendum to “How descriptive food names bias sensory perceptions in restaurants” [Food Qual. Preference 16 (2005) 393–400] (2017) (1)
- Sensory Tests that Predict Consumer Acceptance (2002) (1)
- Special Session Summary Do We Use More When We Buy More? the Effects of Stockpiling on Product Consumption (1998) (1)
- Trayless cafeterias lead diners to take less salad and relatively more dessert – ERRATUM (2015) (1)
- Slim by design for schools. (2014) (1)
- Playing with Food: How Touch Facilitates a Child's Intake of Unfamiliar Foods (2017) (1)
- Happier Meals: How Changes in McDonald’s Happy Meals Altered Food Choices (2013) (1)
- Dish Here, Dine There: Serving Off the Stove Results in Less Food Intake than Serving Off the Table (2010) (1)
- The Half-Plate Rule vs MyPlate vs Their Plate: The Effect on the Caloric Intake and Enjoyment of Dinner (2012) (1)
- Smarter Lunchrooms Randomized Control Trial: Results From Year 3 (2016) (1)
- Observations From How Kid's Meals and Happy Meals are Eaten: Fast Food Opportunities to Help Children Eat Healthier (2014) (1)
- Conducting Behavioral Field Research in Food Pantries: Lessons and Tactics for Testing Nutrition Interventions (2017) (1)
- How Resourceful Consumers Identify New Uses for Old Products (2003) (1)
- The Impact of Supertasters On Taste Test and Marketing Outcomes (2017) (1)
- Obesity and the Consumption Underestimation Bias (2005) (1)
- Trying Harder and Doing Worse: How Grocery Shoppers Track Their In-Store Spending (2014) (1)
- How Pantry Stockpiling Influences the Usage Frequency of a Brand (1992) (1)
- How to Make Kids Eat Healthier in School Cafeterias: An Evidence from Smarter Lunchrooms Program in North East U.S. (2017) (1)
- Meal Size, Not Body Size, Explains Food Intake Estimation Errors (2008) (0)
- 'Don't Eat so Much:' How Parent Comments Relate to Female Weight Satisfaction (2016) (0)
- Dining with Grace: Prayerful Preschooler Families Act Better Than They Eat (2017) (0)
- The Hot–Cold Decision Triangle: A framework for healthier choices (2012) (0)
- MEAL OR SNACK ? 1 Running head : FOOD PERCEPTION AND HUNGER Is This a Meal or Snack ? Environmental Cues or Timing that Drive Food Intake (2010) (0)
- Vegan “Decoy” Entrées Lead Cafeteria Diners to Take Healthier Other Foods (2017) (0)
- Trayless Cafeterias: Less Salad and More Dessert (2012) (0)
- Does hunger bias the estimation of food size and food weight? (2008) (0)
- Heavier Trays, Heavier Meals (2014) (0)
- ‘Smarter Lunchroom Makeovers’ Exploratory Process Evaluation (2013) (0)
- The limits of defaults: why french fries trump apple slices (2016) (0)
- Market Perceived Risk Response and Channel Behavior (2000) (0)
- Of Soda and Sick Days: a field study of firefighter diets (1019.12) (2014) (0)
- Physical burden leads to reduced weight and size estimates and increased consumption (626.22) (2014) (0)
- Concession Stand Makeovers: A Field Study of Serving Healthy Foods at High School Concession Stands (2014) (0)
- Trixy Eyes: Eye-Contact on Packaging Increases Trust and Choice (2014) (0)
- The Invisible Hand that Improves School Lunch Nutrition (2007) (0)
- Why Kids Should Play with Their Phone During Dinner: Active Engagement Can Decrease Food Consumption (2017) (0)
- Smarter's Fancy Fruit Bowls Increase Fruit Sales by 23-54% (2010) (0)
- Chewing gum increases healthy restaurant choices (626.23) (2014) (0)
- A marketing-finance approach linking contracts in agricultural channels to shareholder value (2011) (0)
- Conscious Intention to Eat Measure (2017) (0)
- Impulsive Stopping Decisions of the Traveling Public (2001) (0)
- Chapter 18. Turning Mindless Eating into Healthy Eating (2013) (0)
- Desktop Dining: Eating More and Enjoying It Less? (2012) (0)
- BOOK REVIEWS (2007) (0)
- AHA Scientific Statement Evaluating Parents and Adult Caregivers as “ Agents of Change ” for Treating Obese Children : Evidence for Parent Behavior Change Strategies and Research Gaps (2012) (0)
- Self‐serving Contagion and Mimicry in Buffet Lines: Whom You Follow Influences What and How Much You Take and Eat (2018) (0)
- The impact of school gardens on student salad selection: a pilot study (808.12) (2014) (0)
- Specific Environmental Drivers of Eating (2011) (0)
- Mindless Eating Vs. Mindless Serving: Distraction Level Matters With Self-Serving, Not With Pre-Plating (2015) (0)
- Trigger Healthy: Healthy Samples Induce Healthy Shopping (2014) (0)
- Introducing the “Calories Per Gram” Label to Promote Healthy Food Choices (2016) (0)
- Piece‐Meal: Food is more filling when cut into pieces (2017) (0)
- Conducting Research That Stimulates Win-Win Policies (2016) (0)
- How Does Power and Shareholder Value Influence Channel Contracting (2000) (0)
- Food Security, Store Access, and Prices Paid: Do the Poor Pay More for Groceries? (2021) (0)
- Long Description Means Big Item: When Attributes of Product Presentation Are Misattributed to the Item Itself (2013) (0)
- Healthy profits: An Interdisciplinary Retail Framework for Increasing the Sales of Healthy Foods (2017) (0)
- Consumentengedrag in Crisissituaties [Consumer Behavior in Times of Crisis] (2002) (0)
- Stigma: Experiments Examining the Relative Roles of Reason and Emotion in Economic Decision (2012) (0)
- Food Waste Solutions for Homes: Shopping, Storing, Serving – and Marketing (2018) (0)
- Overeating to impress: conspicuous food consumption among males (811.15) (2014) (0)
- Heavy Baristas, Heavy Orders: Customers Order More Calories from Overweight Baristas (2018) (0)
- Chewing Gum Increases Healthy Restaurant Choices (2014) (0)
- Viewers vs. doers: how watching food television and cooking frequency relate to BMI (811.21) (2014) (0)
- Getting Refills at Chinese Buffets: What Predicts How Many Trips You Will Make? (2011) (0)
- Supermarket Interventions that Encourage Sustainable Healthy Habits: Long Term Learning of Fresh Fish Sales in Grocery Stores (2017) (0)
- Peak-End Pizza: Low Prices Delay Peak-End Hedonic Evaluations of Quality (2015) (0)
- “You're Getting Fat”: Childhood Weight Comments and Adult Daughter Satisfaction (2017) (0)
- Internal and External Cues: French and American Explanations for Mindless Eating (2006) (0)
- Why the Size of Bowls and Spoons Influences Food Intake (2004) (0)
- The Fat “Value”: How Fat‐Related Words in Chain Restaurants Menu Bias Expectations (2017) (0)
- Mood for Food? What Factors Underlie the Influence of TV Content on Food Consumption (2014) (0)
- Behavioral Nutrition Interventions in Food Pantries: Lessons and Strategies (2016) (0)
- How Health Claims Bias Portion Size Estimations and Lead to Obesity (2007) (0)
- When Soft Drink Taxes Don't Work: a Comparative Study (2012) (0)
- Nutrition Claims, Anticipated Guilt, and Consumption Quantity (2007) (0)
- On the Dangers of Pre-Plating: Uniformly High Consumption When Consuming From Pre-Portioned Snacks vs Self-Served Snacks (2015) (0)
- Serve Yourself from Overeating: Pre‐Served Portions Lead to Uniform Eating Across Distraction Levels (2017) (0)
- Fighting Obesity in Away-from Home Consumption: Healthier Food, Better Nutritional Labels, or Menu Assortment? (2007) (0)
- Television Content and Food Intake Among Restrained versus Unrestrained Eaters (2011) (0)
- Can Workplace Wellness be Reliably Scored and Quantified to Become Slim by Design (2015) (0)
- Framework of Postpurchase Consumption Incidence and Quantity (2002) (0)
- WWHP 98,3 FM Interactive Case Study (2006) (0)
- Process Evaluation of the Smarter Lunchrooms Randomized Controlled Trial: Years 1-3 (2016) (0)
- Food presentation methods (2015) (0)
- Smarter Kids Café: Testing Smarter Lunchroom Scorecard Techniques for Childcare (2016) (0)
- Finding Minimal Conflicting Teacher Sets for Dutch High School Timetabling (2018) (0)
- The Locus of Control and Likelihood of Success: Evidence from School Lunchrooms (2017) (0)
- Retraction to: Sensory suggestiveness and labeling: Do soy labels bias taste? (Journal of Sensory Studies, 17, (483-491), 10.1111/j.1745-459X.2002.tb00360.x) (2017) (0)
- Seeds of Change: Can Healthy Additives Transform Foods’ Health Perceptions? (2015) (0)
- Why Are the Inventory Estimates of Shoppers So Biased? A Psychophysical Model of Household Inventory Estimations (2005) (0)
- The Framing of Portion Sizes: It's Not the Size that Counts, But the Name (2010) (0)
- Smarter Lunchrooms Equal Deeper Pockets (2014) (0)
- Just Add Seeds: Do Healthy Additives transform Indulgences Into Health Foods? (2015) (0)
- Corrigendum to “Watching food-related television increases caloric intake in restrained eaters” [Appetite 57 (2011) 661–664] (2019) (0)
- Are There Fat Tables in Restaurants? A Preliminary Analysis of Where People Sit and What They Order (2014) (0)
- Eating and Healthy Heuristics for the Irrational (2009) (0)
- Will Private Sector Companies “Step Up To the Plate” To Protect Children's Health? (2010) (0)
- More Popular in the Pantry: Social Norm Signage Shifts Food Pantry Patrons to Healthier Foods (2017) (0)
- Developing Copy Tests that Estimate Brand Usage (1997) (0)
- What School Lunchrooms are More Innovative? School-Related Factors Influencing Adoption of Smarter Lunchroom Approach (2015) (0)
- Do Lifestyle Benefits Trump Nutritional Benefits When Adopting New Foods? The Case of Tofu in America (2013) (0)
- Consequences, Correlates, and Compliments of Adult Milk Consumption (2011) (0)
- From Fab to Flab: The Calories of Foods Depicted on Magazine Covers Have Increased Over Time (2015) (0)
- Enhancing Adherence: Predictors of Dropout in Web-based Dietary Interventions (2012) (0)
- Slim by Design: Kitchen Layouts of the Thin or Famous (2012) (0)
- Prime-Time Weight Discrimination: A Body Weight Analysis of Prime-Time Television Characters From 1950-2015 (2016) (0)
- Eaters In The Dark: The Primacy of Cognitive Factors For Food Consumption And Satiety (2009) (0)
- Rush to the kitchen: television interruptions and consumption (2008) (0)
- Stop spoon dosing: milliliter instructions reduce inclination to spoon dosing (2016) (0)
- The Hidden Persuaders: Childhood Eating Patterns that Correlate with Weight Gain and Obesity (2017) (0)
- Visual Inspection of Cafeteria Waste by Quarter Servings Rivals the Accuracy of Weighing (2013) (0)
- Corrigendum to “Just thinking about exercise makes me serve more food. Physical activity and calorie compensation” [Appetite 56 (2011) 332–335] (2019) (0)
- Corrigendum to “Profiling nutritional gatekeepers: Three methods for differentiating influential cooks” [Food Qual. Prefer. 14 (2003) 289–297] (2018) (0)
- Food Choice: Behavioral Aspects (2013) (0)
- How Health‐Related Signs Unexpectedly Promote Healthy Choices: Long‐term Conclusion for Nordic Cafeteria (2017) (0)
- The 25‐Day Tipping Point: Everyday Adherence has Multiplicative – Not Additive – Benefits to Weight Loss. (2017) (0)
- Heavy trays lead to heavier meals (626.21) (2014) (0)
- Counting Bones: Environmental Cues of Food Eaten Decreases Food Intake (2007) (0)
- Want to be Seen as More Loving and a Better Cook? Serve Vegetables to Your Kids (2015) (0)
- Is it Exercise or a Scenic Walk? Reframing Physical Activity as Fun Leads to Reduced Calorie Compensation, Healthier Meals, and Less Snacking (2017) (0)
- Cooperating Over Food and Firefighting: Organizational Benefits of Commensality (2013) (0)
- General and Situation-specific Water Intake Recommendations: Which Works Best for Weight Loss? (2012) (0)
- Fruit or Vegetable Intake Predicts Sweet or Salty Snack Intake (2007) (0)
- Industry and Obesity (2006) (0)
- How to kill food cravings? Just a bite or the full portion (2011) (0)
- How the USDA School Meal Guidelines Impact Fruits and Vegetables Selection and Waste in School Cafeterias (2016) (0)
- Transforming Financial Objectives into Marketing Decisions : The Role of Channel Contracts and Derivatives (2002) (0)
- Trigger Healthy: How Samples Can Create a Healthy Shopping Momentum (2014) (0)
- Can Healthy Eating and Fun Exercising Make Us Fat? Post-Intake and Expenditure Calorie Compensation (2009) (0)
- Adventurous Eating: Expand Your Palate, Not Your Waistline (2014) (0)
- Is This Restaurant Making Me Fat? Assessing the Reliability of a Restaurant Scorecard for Healthy Dining (2015) (0)
- Retraction notice to "How negative experiences shape long-term food preferences. Fifty years from the World War II combat front" [Appetite Volume 52, Issue 3, June (2009) 750–752] (2018) (0)
- Partitioned Grocery Carts: How Assortment Allocation Cues Can Increase Fruit and Vegetable Purchases (2011) (0)
- Talking to Parents of Middle School Children About How to Support Healthful Food Choices at Home and at School (2016) (0)
- Effects of Food‐Deprivation on Calorie Estimation (2011) (0)
- Increasing the Measurement Accuracy of Consumption Intentions (2008) (0)
- Useful observational research (2019) (0)
- Food Packaging Pictures Have More Calories Than They Recommend – Oversized and Overeaten (2016) (0)
- Retracted Journal Articles and New Research Opportunities to Change Eating Behavior (2019) (0)
- Branding Techniques and Their Impact on Healthy Selection in School Cafeterias (2017) (0)
- Dynamics of dining in the groups of people (1019.17) (2014) (0)
- International handbook of behavior, diet, and nutrition (2011) (0)
- The Days Diets Begin, End, and Work Best (2012) (0)
- Eating Behaviors Predict the Number of Trips: An Observational Study at Chinese Buffets (2012) (0)
- Favorite Children's Vegetables by Meal and Age (2012) (0)
- Vegetable Velocity: More Time In Aisle Means More Produce In Carts (2015) (0)
- Healthier from Home? Lunch Source and Daily Calorie Cycling In Children (2014) (0)
- Visualizing Consumer Profiles for Accurate Targeting: The Technique and the Targeting (1994) (0)
- Chefs Move to Schools: a pilot study of the influence of outside chefs on school lunchroom behavior (808.11) (2014) (0)
- Subsidies Encourage Healthier Lunch Choices Compared to Taxes (2011) (0)
- Imagine there’S No Calories: Simulation Underlies the Effects of Hunger on Serving Size Estimates (2014) (0)
- Make‐It‐Yourself (MIY) Food Stations: Long‐Term Healthy Lessons from Nordic Cafeterias (2017) (0)
- Exhibitionist Eating: Who Wins Eating Contests? (2016) (0)
- Slim by Design Shopping: Assessing the Reliability of a Grocery Retailer Scorecard for Healthy Shopping (2015) (0)
- High‐Tailing it to Fast Food Restaurants: How Analysis of Fast Food Consumption May be Skewed by those at Both Extremes of the BMI Distribution (2011) (0)
- Marketing's Too Important to Be Left to Marketers: Using Consumer Profiling for New Product Development (2004) (0)
- I Am How Much I Eat: How Self-Monitoring Influences Food Consumption Across Genders (2011) (0)
- Erratum to “Eating dogfood: Examining the relative roles of reason and emotion” [J. Econ. Behav. Org. 92 (2013) 202–213] (2013) (0)
- Chefs Move to Schools USDA Program Increases Consumption and Selection of Targeted Entrees in School Lunchrooms (2014) (0)
- Erratum to: Stop spoon dosing: milliliter instructions reduce inclination to spoon dosing (2016) (0)
- MyPlate, Half-Plate, and No Plate: How Visual Plate-related Dietary Benchmarks Influence Meal Composition (2021) (0)
- Consequences of Cooking with Kids: Eating the Same but Behaving Better (2011) (0)
- Psychology of war (2012) (0)
- Bigger Homes & Recipes: How recipe calories have increased over the years (2015) (0)
- Retraction notice to "Profiling taste-motivated segments: the case of soy" Appetite 41 (2003) 323–327 (2018) (0)
- Risk, Consumer Behavior & Agricultural Community Response (2003) (0)
- More of a Bad Thing: How Consumers Ignore Pollutant Levels (2017) (0)
- Baked Beats Grilled: A Calorie Analysis of 18,000 Menu Items in Fast Food Chain Restaurants (2017) (0)
- The Hamburger Diet? Why Hamburgers and Apples Lower Total Calorie Intake (2011) (0)
- Effects of Fasting on Food Choices (2011) (0)
- Barriers, facilitators, and interventions for tofu adoption among future nutritional gatekeepers (631.4) (2014) (0)
- The Power of Suggestion: Do Descriptive Labels Influence Taste Perceptions, Calorie-Estimation and Satiety? (2003) (0)
- Marketing MyPyramid: Taking the Dietary Guidelines Home (2009) (0)
- How and why package size influences usage volume : working paper (1994) (0)
- aUnless otherwise noted, data are reported as number (percentage) of study participants. b Correlation coefficient for first food choice with total calorie intake of that food. (2016) (0)
- Dispelling Myths About a New Healthful Food Can Be More Motivating than Promoting Nutritional Benefits: The Case of Tofu (2014) (0)
- Rethinking Regulations on State Fair Foods: What’s Wrong With a Fried Butter Stick? (2015) (0)
- Size Cues Affect Calorie and Size Estimates (2014) (0)
- Watch What You Eat: TV Content Influences Consumption Volume (2014) (0)
- The Effect of Reference Points on the Importance of Attributes (2002) (0)
- Crowdsourcing childhood predictors of adult obesity (2016) (0)
- How Wine Expectations Influence Meal Evaluations and Consumption (2007) (0)
- What Words and Actions Predict Adult and Daughters Weight Satisfaction? (2017) (0)
- Chewing gum influences grocery shopping behavior (273.4) (2014) (0)
- Eating Heavily: Men Eat More in the Company of Women (2015) (0)
- Nudging Healthier Choices through Nutritional Report Cards (2012) (0)
- Serving vegetables in multiple locations in school lunchrooms can lead to increased vegetable selection (808.10) (2014) (0)
- Creating Healthy Food Interventions in Food Pantries: First and Separately Seen is Selected (2017) (0)
- Corrigendum: Eating behavior and obesity at Chinese buffets (2017) (0)
- Counting Bones: Environmental Cues of Consumed Food Decreases Food Intake (2006) (0)
- Tracking the Effectiveness of Various Combinations of Diet Tips: Results of the National Mindless Eating Challenge (2010) (0)
- Budget Shoppers¿ Spending Biases (2011) (0)
- Corrigendum to “Viewers vs. Doers. The relationship between watching food television and BMI” [Appetite 90 (2015) 131–135] (2019) (0)
- The Fat Suit Study: When Skinny Companions Lead Us to Eat Healthier (2010) (0)
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- The Lingering Impact of Negative Food Experiences: Which World War II Veterans Won't Eat Chinese Food? (2011) (0)
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- Tastes Like Who I Want to Be: Making Foods Tastier by Linking to Desirable Social Image (2016) (0)
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- Exploring Adaptive Estimation Behavior (2008) (0)
- Designing Employee Health Contracts for a Workplace that is Slim by Design (2013) (0)
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- Analyzing the Sustainability of the Impact of New USDA School Meal Guidelines on Fruit and Vegetable Selection and Consumption in School Cafeterias (2016) (0)
- The Assessment of Cognitive Food Consumption Experience (2018) (0)
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- Thinking About Excercise Makes Me Hungry: Physical Activity and Calorie Consumption (2009) (0)
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- Exploring a Comfort Food Preference Framework: Mood Self-Verification and the Intake of Comfort Foods (2011) (0)
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- Dosing medication with kitchen spoons could be dangerous (2010) (0)
- Risk Attitudes and Channel Behavior (1999) (0)
- Antecedents and Antidotes for Ingredient Food Fears (2013) (0)
- Research Opportunities to Change Eating Behavior (2019) (0)
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What Are Brian Wansink's Academic Contributions?
Brian Wansink is most known for their academic work in the field of business. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of and psychology.
Brian Wansink has made the following academic contributions: