
Bülent Ecevit

Most Influential Person Now

Former Prime Minister of Turkey

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Bülent Ecevit
Political Science
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political-science Degrees
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  • Political Science

Why Is Bülent Ecevit Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Mustafa Bülent Ecevit was a Turkish politician, statesman, poet, writer, scholar, and journalist, who served as the Prime Minister of Turkey four times between 1974 and 2002. He served as prime minister in 1974, 1977, 1978–1979, and 1999–2002. Ecevit was chairman of the Republican People's Party between 1972 and 1980, and in 1987 he became chairman of the Democratic Left Party .

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Bülent Ecevit?

Bülent Ecevit is affiliated with the following schools: