
Carlo De Simone

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Italian linguist

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Why Is Carlo De Simone Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Carlo De Simone was an Italian linguist, specializing in Ancient Greek and Latin texts and Etruscan epigraphs. He is best known for his research into Etruscan, Lemnian and Rhaetian languages. Biography De Simone studied comparative linguistics and archaeology at the University of Rome, where he was awarded a prize in 1955 with a thesis on the subject: "Le iscrizioni messapiche: cronologia e fonetismo". He obtained a scholarship to the University of Tübingen for the same discipline from the "Servizio di Scambio Accademico Tedesco" from 1955 to 1956, with Hans Krahe, for whom he was an assistant from 1961 to 1964.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Carlo De Simone ?

Carlo De Simone is affiliated with the following schools: