
Carol Hay

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Canadian philosopher

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According to Wikipedia, Carol Hay is a Canadian philosopher and Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. She is known for her works on feminist theory and moral philosophy. Career Hay's most recent book, Think Like a Feminist: The Philosophy Behind the Revolution , has been called "a crisp, well-informed primer on feminist theory" by Publishers Weekly and "a winning mix of scholarship and irreverence" by Kirkus Reviews. Her academic work focuses primarily on issues in analytic feminism, liberal social and political philosophy, oppression studies, Kantian ethics, and the philosophy of sex and love. Her 2013 book Kantianism, Liberalism, & Feminism: Resisting Oppression received the American Philosophical Association's Gregory Kavka/UCI Prize in Political Philosophy in 2015. Her 2019 op-ed "Who Counts as a Woman?" received the American Philosophical Association's Public Philosophy Op-Ed Prize. Hay's public philosophy has appeared in venues such as The New York Times, The Boston Globe, Aeon, and IAI News.

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